Leadership Caffeine™—It’s Time to Deliberately Strengthen Your Internal Network

What are you doing weekly to develop, renew, and repair key workplace relationships deliberately? If you don't have a solid answer for this question plus calendar time dedicated to the work, it needs to be elevated to your priority list. It's time to make strengthening your workplace network a top priority. In this article, I share why and how, along with a few finer points for consideration. 

Still Time to Join the Experienced Manager Program

There’s no other program quite like this for experienced managers striving to level-up, with the mix of topics, guest experts, coaching, e-learning, and development support. Our Winter 2020 Cohort kicks off Wednesday, January 15, 2020, however, there's still time to join.

Level-Up as a Manager in 2020—New Live-Online Program

A one-of-a-kind professional development experience for managers seeking to strengthen personal and group performance starting in January 2020. Join leadership expert, Art Petty, for The Experienced Manager program where we blend live-online plus coaching plus e-learning to support your personal-professional development and growth.

Leadership Caffeine Podcast #32—Marc Effron

This is the single best discussion I've ever had on pursuing high-performance as an individual! I can't say enough good about my interview with Marc Effron and the science-backed content in his new book, 8 Steps to High Performance: Focus on What You Can Change (Ignore the Rest).

Free Webinar: 4 Conversations to Help You Develop New Managers

On Wednesday, October 30, 2019, at 11:00 a.m. central, I am hosting a new webinar entitled: 4 Critical Conversations for New Manager Success. My goal in this free event is to share a framework of four sets of conversations and supporting activities promoting managers can use to strengthen their selection and early-stage development of new managers on their teams.

Stepping In to Lead a New Group? Try This Process to Grow Trust and Gain Performance

If you're an executive or top manager staring at a new group you've been assigned to lead and concluding you've got a lineup that looks destined for last place, it's time to take action. Of course, most of those actions involve the person staring back at you in the mirror. Here's a process that will help:

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