Fall 2022 Leader and Manager Professional Development Programs

It's Back-to-Professional Development Time and I'm sharing my current Fall, 2022 calendar. If strengthening your skills as a leader or your success as a manager is on your priority list (or is a priority for your team members), please consider one of our uniquely powerful programs that blend training and coaching.

Finding Purpose in Your Role as a Manager

How do we access the power of purpose in our role when many above and around us might not be playing with the same sense of motivation? Here are some lessons from some great managers about finding and harnessing the power of purpose in their work. Read and think about how you might put their ideas to work.

Leadership Caffeine—Mine (and Mind) Your Mistakes for Growth

Our mistakes in pursuit of learning are the burpees, extra gym time, and leg days of our mental fitness for most of us. For those where mistakes are measured in cost or time (not life impact or safety), your mistakes measure how hard you are pushing yourself to grow. Here are ideas to turn your misfires into gold.

Leadership Caffeine™—The 4 C’s + D Formula for Great One-on-Ones

I’m on record describing one-on-ones as some of the most valuable real estate on a manager’s calendar. These sessions are opportunities to engage, share ideas, identify plans to eliminate obstacles and frankly, in this stressful world, just connect. Unfortunately, from my workshop and client surveys, the manager and employee one-on-ones are some of the most frequently canceled meetings. Here's an easy to remember formula to help you design one-on-ones that work for everyone:

Leadership Caffeine Jam Session 4 —Rethinking Employee Career Development for This Era

I'm excited to have a great friend and fabulous expert on career development, Julie Winkle Giulioni, join the upcoming Leadership Caffeine Jam Session: Rethinking Employee Career Development for This Era on Friday, February 11 at noon central. You can register here. (This will be recorded and the video, chat stream, and mind map distributed to all registrants.)

Professional Development is the Gift that Keeps on Giving

The best managers and executives I work with are always on the lookout for opportunities to support team member growth. Here's a list of great professional development opportunities for you or your team members.

Fresh Lessons from the Latest Feedback Boot Camp

I run the 3-hour Feedback Skills Boot Camp program six times per year, and in every session, I’m reminded how motivated good managers are to find ways to both praise and encourage growth with their team members. Here are some of the key insights shared by the most recent cohort:

Leadership Caffeine™—Rethinking New Manager Training and Development

If you consider the myriad activities that form the role of manager, including the novel and often vexing situations presented by humans in the workplace, it's easy to see where attempts at classroom training inevitably fall short. Use the time initially to teach them to think differently about their roles and their work at start-up using these five sets of operating instructions

Leadership Caffeine™—Commit to Helping Your New Managers Succeed from the Start

If you are a manager responsible for promoting and developing a new manager, the hard work begins during selection and continues long after in the form of observing, teaching, and coaching. There are no shortcuts to building the next generation of effective managers.

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