I’m excited to have a great friend and fabulous expert on career development, Julie Winkle Giulioni, join the upcoming Leadership Caffeine Jam Session: Rethinking Employee Career Development for This Era on Friday, February 11 at noon central. You can register here. (This will be recorded and the video, chat stream, and mind map distributed to all registrants.)

The timing of Julie’s soon-to-be-released book, Promotions Are So Yesterday: Redefine Career Development. Help Employees Thrive and this jam session are serendipitous in a world where keeping our valued team members is a strategic imperative.

For the past few months, every client I’ve encountered has expressed their most significant issue right now as one of employee retention followed immediately by employee recruitment. This is a huge problem created by outdated employee career development approaches and systems.

How this Will Help You

Julie will share some of the actionable insights and approaches outlined in her forthcoming book, and, it’s a jam session, so Julie and I will field your questions on thinking and acting differently about supporting our employees for career development!

(And here’s a secret of these sessions: the audience members generously share their ideas with you in the chat stream.)

This session will be recorded, and the chat stream, video, and mind map we create together will be distributed to all registrants. Register here, and let’s all grow smarter together!

New to the Jam Session Format?

Like most of us, I’ve grown bored by the routine of endless slides and then a pitch to sell something on so many of these sessions. And, any session that doesn’t tap into the gray matter of the attendees, is a waste IMO. So, I decided to change the formula.

Here’s what to expect:

  • Ideas you can use. Now!
  • No pitches
  • No slides
  • Plenty of interaction

The attendee feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. My favorite quote thus far: “I got more in 50 minutes on the Jam Session than I gain in a full-day training session.

These are fun, fast, idea-filled, and, well, free doesn’t hurt either!

Join us on February 11 at noon central for 50-minutes of idea-sharing on the important topic of strengthening employee career development! A chance to learn from Julie Winkle Giulioni and hear the ideas from a few hundred of the participants all in 50-minutes is too valuable to pass up!

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