Quick tips to energize your daily leadership activities.

It’s That Time of Year for Managers—Don’t Make These Mistakes with Your Performance Evaluations

The real work of getting performance evaluations starts long before you reach the time to write and discuss them. Nonetheless, you're at the 11th hour. Here are some tips you can use at this late date to help you do your best for your team members.

Tired of the drama storm? Effective managers write the rules of the road with their teams

In my informal survey of coaching clients, workplace drama is all too prevalent and distracting. Managers are tired of officiating the he said/she said/they didn't/I can't work with... issues that creep up in daily work. They are looking for a solution—something that places responsibility where it belongs. I teach my managers to write the Rules of the Road with their team members to solve this problem.

Special Open Enrollment Workshop—Nine Reasons to Join the Feedback Skills Boot Camp

Join me for a powerful, practical professional development experience on 11/16 from noon to 3 p.m. Central for the latest Feedback Skills Boot Camp. Three hours and an amazing price (because it's a group) to strengthen skills that will serve you for a career.

Toward a Better Model for Leader Development

Our traditional methods for developing leadership talent in our organizations, including check-box training, loose mentoring, and limited access to coaching, need to be changed for a world where all organizations need to field talent able to help align, execute, and renew at the speed of change. We need a different model for leader development.

Seven Big Insights from the Latest Manager Development Program Cohort

One of my pleasures as an executive and emerging leader coach comes from the time spent in session with the cohort groups in my various programs. I am inspired by their passion for their work and hunger to learn and exhilarated by some of their perspectives. Here are seven big insights from the recent Manager Development Program cohort:

Be the Example and Lead Yourself First in Challenging Workplace Moments

The world of work is filled with challenging moments, unexpected events, and unanticipated reactions. Learning to lead yourself first is critical for survival and seizing any possibility of success in these stressful moments. Here are three techniques to help:

Introducing The Experts Channel Video Interviews from Art Petty

I'm over-the-top excited to share my new Experts Channel (via YouTube), focusing on sharing the insights, research, and wisdom of the individuals studying and achieving individual, team, and organizational high performance! My goal in this series is to bring people to our community who can help us all think, think differently, and challenge us to strive for success in our careers and for our organizations. Our first three interview guests do all of that and more!

Four Ideas for Leaders to Get Back-To-Learning this Fall Season

We need more time to adjust our altitude to see the big picture in our industry or peer over the horizon in search of trigger events that might change everything. Here are four ideas to help stimulate leader learning.

Seven Things Management Teams (Repeatedly) Get Wrong with Strategy Work

I’ve observed just about every type of dysfunction or malfunction possible with strategy work. Here are the misfires I see most often. Take heed, get the right help, and do everything possible to avoid these tripping points. Your firm’s future and probably your job depends on it.

For Managers—Part 2 of Creating Clarity with Your Coaching and Evaluation Discussions (Feedback)

Feedback—both positive (appreciation) and improvement-oriented–is a vital part of your coaching toolkit. It's also one of the most troubling, vexing areas for managers because the improvement-oriented (aka constructive) feedback is simultaneously awkward, stressful, and potentially emotionally fraught for all parties. Here are ten ideas to help:

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