Challenging Conversation Sound Bite #3: The Fallacy of the Feedback (Praise) Sandwich

In every challenging conversations workshop I run, the topic of the feedback sandwich (aka the praise sandwich) jumps up, and we spend time sharing perspectives on the use/uselessness of this tactic. Here are some reasons I believe you should say "No" to the praise sandwich in your feedback practices.

Why You Should Maintain a Professional Journal—Twenty Prompts to Help You Get Started

Journaling is one of the most powerful continuous improvement tools we can use in our working lives, yet many are unsure of how to get started. Here's some guidance and twenty journaling prompts to help:

Challenging Conversation Sound Bite #1—Design Your Challenging Conversations for Success

During my coaching calls with leaders at all levels, much of our time is invested in how to engage and structure the conversations to uncover value for all parties. Here are some tips to help you pre-think and design your discussions to achieve successful outcomes for all parties.

Finding Purpose in Your Role as a Manager

How do we access the power of purpose in our role when many above and around us might not be playing with the same sense of motivation? Here are some lessons from some great managers about finding and harnessing the power of purpose in their work. Read and think about how you might put their ideas to work.

Leadership Caffeine—Mine (and Mind) Your Mistakes for Growth

Our mistakes in pursuit of learning are the burpees, extra gym time, and leg days of our mental fitness for most of us. For those where mistakes are measured in cost or time (not life impact or safety), your mistakes measure how hard you are pushing yourself to grow. Here are ideas to turn your misfires into gold.

Want to Make a Career Change? Expect to Do Some Heavy Lifting

There are no quick fixes, magic beans, or silver bullets to get the work out of your career pivot project. While everyone's journey is different, there's a common thread: you have to think, think deeply, be creative, be willing to explore, and ultimately, be ready to experiment before identifying the right "next" in your career. In other words, you need to do the heavy lifting required for a successful career pivot.

By |2023-02-21T13:25:31-06:00March 24th, 2022|Career, Career Reinvention, Self-Development|0 Comments
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