smileyfaceThanks to everyone that joined the Management Excellence Newsletter list during the past view days!

We succeeded in growing the already substantial list by a whopping 25% and I’m honored that so many of you joined.  Now of course the burden is on me to live up to my commitment of fresh, compelling and useful content in the spirit of the blog.  I welcome the opportunity and challenge!

I will be recruiting one of my sons to help me with the name drawing for the free books (Practical Lessons in Leadership) and will reach out to the winners via e-mail over the next day or so for shipping information.

Thanks again for your enthusiastic response!  For those that missed joining, but don’t want to miss out, the sign up is found in the right column on both the Management Excellence and Building Better Leaders sites.

Today’s post is at my Building Better Leaders site/blog and features a slightly irreverent look at the value and need for feedback. It is entirely possible that in the course of making a point on why feedback is such a critical skill to master, I compared it to Viagra, dissed the Chicago Bears QB Jay Cutler and encouraged incompetent leaders to volunteer to stand next to a wall with a blindfold on and smoke a cigarette.  And yes, there is a message and at least a few ideas for you once you get beyond my slightly off-center suggestions.  Since the post is R-rated, if you are easily upset by references to performance enhancement and firing squads, you may want to skip the post.

If you are courageous, here’s the link to:Feedback-Performance Enhancement for Leaders Without the Pill”