First-Time Manager #15—Leverage Values to Give Your Team a Voice

If you've ever worked for a manager who suppressed alternative views and different approaches, you know how oppressive the environment becomes in that situation. A much better approach is to build in the values that promote fierce debate and rapid resolution leading to execution. Of course, this is easier said than done. You as manager own the hard work of creating this environment. Start with the right values.

By |2017-11-29T08:11:56-06:00November 29th, 2017|First Time Manager Series|0 Comments

Struggling as a Manager? Try Revisiting These 3 Foundational Issues

If you’re growing frustrated and fatigued with your life as a manager, you might want to take a step-back and review and strengthen the foundation for your role. Three items provide structural integrity for your managerial foundation: role clarity, values, and connectedness All three components inter-operate to support your effectiveness and to eliminate many challenges in this difficult role. Alternatively, the absence of the three is potentially disastrous.

By |2017-11-02T07:16:59-05:00November 2nd, 2017|Emerging Leaders, First Time Manager Series, Leadership|0 Comments

Has Your Organization Fallen Victim to the Zombie Apocalypse?

In too many organizations, the absence of a galvanizing vision, meaningful, livable values, and a planning process that engages employees from top to bottom result in a form of zombie apocalypse. Instead of purpose, focus, and continuous improvement, people wander aimlessly searching for professional sustenance. If the leaders at the top won't fix this, you need to spark the revolution from the middle.

Travis Kalanick’s Growing Up To-Do List as a Leader

Travis Kalanick, the CEO and founder of Uber, has had a tough few weeks. With a major sexual harassment investigation and a lawsuit by Alphabet (Google) for patent infringement, the last thing he needed was another viral bad moment. Unfortunately, that's what he got when he berated an Uber driver and was captured on camera. Mr. Kalanick indicated that, "It's time to grow up," and he "wants leadership help." Here's a "Leadership To Do" list to help him get started...

By |2017-03-05T18:24:14-06:00March 5th, 2017|Leadership, Leading Change|2 Comments

Leadership Caffeine™—Experience Cuts Both Ways

When we overweight the value of experience in hiring situations or in navigating strategy, we increase our risk of failure. The challenge we face as leaders and managers is to imbue ourselves and our cultures with a sense of curiosity and the means and confidence to experiment.

By |2016-10-22T17:10:59-05:00August 28th, 2016|Art of Managing, Leadership, Leadership Caffeine, Strategy|1 Comment
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