Leadership Caffeine™—Can One Person (You) Make a Difference?

I hear the same doubt expressed over and over again by good people upset over conditions in their workplace. It sounds something like: “Can I really make a difference? I’m just one person.” The often unspoken trailer is: “…and I am not the CEO or a senior executive, and they are the ones who have [...]

Leadership Caffeine™—Don’t Let a Bad Employee Experience Define You

A "difficult employee" experience wreaks havoc on team morale and the manager's psyche. For some managers, this experience is so painful, it prompts them to redirect in their careers. For others--survivors, they find different ways to turn the negative experience into improved leadership performance in the future. Here are four approaches of leaders who survived and thrived following a toxic employee situation:

The Best Of: How to Thrive in High Pressure Conversations

Every professional faces important "moments of truth" as they navigate through their work days. Whether it's the invitation to speak at the board meeting, the opportunity to connect one-on-one with the CEO or, a tough feedback conversation with a team member, you need to be ready to succeed in these High Value/High Risk (HV/HR) situations. Here are 5 steps to helping improve your effectiveness:

Leadership Caffeine™—The Hard Work of Leading Is All In Your Mind

The hardest work of leading you’ll ever do is not the coaching, problem-solving, communicating and other externally focused activities that occupy your days. Rather, the heavy lifting of creating success as a leader goes on in the space between your ears. Here are 5 key internal issues every leader must regularly renew:

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