Free Mini-Course on How to Set Your New Managers Up for Success

It’s vital to get the transition from contributor to manager right, and frankly, it’s often left to chance—never a good plan. Sadly, there's still too much sink-or-swim going on when it comes to new manager development. On August 11 at noon central, I’m running my latest mini-class: How to Help Your New Managers Survive & Thrive from the Start.

Leadership Caffeine™—Rethinking Your Team’s Business Reviews and Operating Approach

While I’ve not attended your business review session, I can tell you with confidence born of experience that most of these events are painful time, productivity, and morale killers. And, in this world where COVID has taught us that quarters are like centuries and the world shifts in hours and days, I increasingly find the ubiquitous quarterly business reviews anachronistic. It's time to change your team's operating approach.

Career Reinvention Journal™—A Primer for Getting Started

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve thought about doing something different in your professional life. While many people daydream about the work, only a tiny percentage do something about it. My goal is to help raise that percentage. Here are some steps and tips to help you move out of your head or off the couch and into action.

Gain Vital Skills and Grow Your Success—Summer Professional Development Catalog

Fresh off of leading three outstanding cohorts through a live-online version of my Manager Development Program for New(er) Managers, we are setting up several new mid and late summer opportunities. We would love to help you or your team members level up their skills.  Choose your flavor for this summer's professional development work!

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