It’s Not Science Fiction—How an Idea Lab Might Just Create an Alternate Timeline for Your Firm

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best. Ideas are the engines of innovation, yet too often they are visible for just a flash of time. In reality, we need ways to curate and develop ideas. Try building an idea lab. All you need to get started is a few spare walls, some low-cost materials and some starter ideas! Just be careful, as you may very well change your firm's future in the process.

Two Strategy Tools Every Leader Must Understand

For any leader or management team struggling to navigate strategy, there are two tools I find incredibly useful in helping groups navigate complexity. They share a common trait in challenging strategy groups to focus their energy on cultivating a clear picture of a firm's reality and then defining a way forward, before defining actions. Too many teams jump to the actions and skip the heavy lifting and deep thinking. These tools keep you honest when it comes to strategy.

Legacy Beliefs—The Ties that Bind

Legacy beliefs exert a powerful force in our organizations and in our own lives. When those beliefs no longer match the external reality, our personal and business strategies come crashing down. Yet some leaders and professionals find a way to break away from the ties that bind.

By |2016-10-22T17:10:58-05:00October 7th, 2016|Career, Leadership, Strategy|0 Comments

Leadership Caffeine™—Experience Cuts Both Ways

When we overweight the value of experience in hiring situations or in navigating strategy, we increase our risk of failure. The challenge we face as leaders and managers is to imbue ourselves and our cultures with a sense of curiosity and the means and confidence to experiment.

By |2016-10-22T17:10:59-05:00August 28th, 2016|Art of Managing, Leadership, Leadership Caffeine, Strategy|1 Comment

Reorganization B.S.

Structure is a powerful management tool when developed carefully and focused on aligning your team's superpowers with the big opportunities.

By |2017-05-15T19:55:39-05:00August 15th, 2016|Art of Managing, Leadership, Strategy|1 Comment
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