Leadership Caffeine™—Small Changes in Your Routine and Approaches Can Generate Big Results

I regularly talk with managers and leaders who believe they are grinding harder but getting nowhere. One described himself as working in quicksand: "The more hours I spend and the harder I push, the faster we are sinking. I need to do something different." Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt this way. Here are ideas to help you adjust your approaches and regain control:

Leadership Caffeine™—Here’s Where You Should Slow Down to Move Faster

It's easy to swallow the dogma that has emerged around the "Cult of Speed" in our management thinking and teaching. Yet, the pursuit of speed in poorly designed systems exposes weaknesses and often precipitates project, strategy, and even organizational failure. Said simply, raw speed kills. Sometimes you have to tap the brakes and slow down to ultimately move faster.

Leadership Caffeine™—5 Things You Can Do to Help Navigate the Crisis

We place extraordinary amounts of pressure on our leaders to solve the big problems in front of us. In reality, they don't have the answers. They are looking for individuals to provide ideas that point to solutions. Here are five ideas you can use today to help and start leading without authority:

Leadership Caffeine™—Now is the Time to Double-Down on the Fundamentals of Effective Leadership

In the face of complexity and risk, the simplest solutions are generally the best ones. These are indeed challenging times for anyone responsible for managing and leading initiatives, teams, and functions. It might seem as if answers are hard to come by, yet, the fundamentals of effective leadership never go out of style. It's a [...]

Leadership Caffeine™—Two Attitude Hacks to Help Create a Better Day

With most of us still working remotely, many of the conventions we created to tune-in and support our team members have to be rethought. I have two favorite hacks that work regardless of your location. One puts you in the right frame of mind for managing and leading, and the other helps your team frame the day for success.

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