Leadership Caffeine™: Jump-start Your Team’s “Ideas to Actions” Machine

Ideas in the workplace that are voiced but never vetted or pursued are the corporate equivalent of those brilliant insights we have in the middle of the night that we don’t bother to write down. “I’ll remember it in the morning,” we think at the time. We rarely do. Here are 7 ideas to help you jumpstart your firm's "ideas to Actions" machine:

Leadership Caffeine™-5 Priceless Lessons from Amundsen and Scott

In preparation for an upcoming presentation, I’ve become a bit obsessed with studying the 1910 expeditions and race between Roald Amundsen and Robert Falcon Scott to 90-degrees South (the South Pole). The lessons for leaders and managers practically leap off the pages of this classic example of coping with risk, uncertainty and volatility. Here are 5 lessons from these remarkable expeditions that you can apply in your work-life today:

Leadership Caffeine™-Listen Harder, Please!

I doubt that anyone reading this would disagree with the theme of, it’s important to be a good listener to be a good leader. However, in working with leaders at all levels striving to strengthen their performance, listening skills aren’t an issue some of the time, they are an issue nearly 100% of the time. Here are 3 ideas to help you exercise your leadership listening skills today:

Leadership Caffeine™-Full Contact Leadership

The most effective leaders I know enjoy and invest time honing their skills and techniques through training and education, but mostly, they focus on getting their hands dirty on the front lines with their team members. These are Full Contact Leaders. Here are 11 behaviors of these very visible and driven professionals:

Leadership Caffeine™-Learn to Guide Group Discussions for Better Results

Too many group discussions in the workplace are journeys to nowhere in particular.Learning to actively lead group discussions is an essential skill for leaders and individual contributors in today’s project focused and heavily matrixed organizational settings. Here are 7 common group discussion traps and the techniques that the best guides use to help us side-step them:

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