Leadership Caffeine™ Podcast #11: George Bradt on New Leader’s 100 Day Action Plan

There are fewer points in time in a leader's life more important than the start-up phase. Whether you are an experienced leader taking over a new team or a first-time leader getting started with your group, the early few weeks and months set the tone and tenor for your leadership and for your success. In this latest episode of The Leadership Caffeine Podcast, author and Executive On-Boarding Consultant, George Bradt shares his advice on planning for and succeeding during this important start-up period.

By |2016-10-22T17:11:35-05:00November 10th, 2011|Leadership Caffeine Podcast|0 Comments

Leadership Caffeine™ Podcast #10: Geoffrey Moore on Escape Velocity

Organizations of all sizes and types, from high tech to manufacturing and not-for-profit, struggle with a common dilemma...how to escape the pull of the past as they look forward into a fast-changing and very different world. Geoffrey A. Moore, the renowned high-tech strategist and author, perhaps best known for his book, Crossing the Chasm, a guide to helping firms move from early adopters across this fateful and often fatal canyon, is back with his latest book, Escape Velocity-Free Your Company's Future from the Pull of the Past. In the book, Moore tackles this tough topic of moving beyond successes of the past towards new generations of offerings and growth.

By |2016-10-22T17:11:35-05:00October 19th, 2011|Leadership Caffeine Podcast|5 Comments

Leadership Caffeine™ Podcast #8: Francie Dalton on the Impending Talent Shortage

It's been awhile since we've heard much about impending shortages of talent. My recent conversation with Francie Dalton, President and Founder of Dalton Alliances, Inc., served to remind us all once again, that talent is always an issue. And by the way, Francie makes an interesting case that the recently forgotten issue of talent shortages is a very real issue about to bite us where it hurts...in the bottom line.

By |2016-10-22T17:11:36-05:00September 25th, 2011|Leadership Caffeine Podcast|2 Comments

Leadership Caffeine™ Podcast #7: Kevin Eikenberry on Making the Shift from “Bud to Boss”

The most difficult job in the professional life of any leader may very well be that first role…when he or she moves from individual contributor to suddenly being responsible for the outcomes of others. This truly critical issue receives some much needed attention in the recent book, Bud to Boss-Secrets to a Successful Transition to Remarkable Leadership, by consultants, authors and leadership experts, Kevin Eikenberry and Guy Harris, in their recent book, Bud to Boss. While the focus is on helping the first time leader successfully transition from one of the gang to leader, this book is important for those responsible for developing and supporting first-time leaders as well.

By |2016-10-22T17:11:36-05:00September 14th, 2011|Leadership Caffeine Podcast|0 Comments

Leadership Caffeine™ Podcast #6: Scott Eblin on Succeeding at The Next Level

Navigating the move from one executive level to the next is both exciting and daunting. Depending upon your career stage, successfully executing on your new responsibilities might require drawing upon a significantly different set of skills than those demanded in prior positions. And while many professionals do successfully navigate the transition, a good number...up to 40% according to one study actually fail during the 18 months following a promotion. That's a big number by anyone's measure. Scott Eblin, executive coach and author of The Next Level is here to help us all improve our odds of success.

By |2016-10-22T17:11:36-05:00September 8th, 2011|Leadership Caffeine Podcast|0 Comments

Leadership Caffeine™ Podcast-Bob Lucas on Customer Service

For managers and executives, customer service is either a golden opportunity or, as some seem to treat it…a cost center. However, perhaps one of the outcomes of this great recession and the on-going economic malaise…is that many organizations and managers are waking up to the reality that they need to try just a little harder to earn and retain our business. Enter Robert W. Lucas, an expert, and the author of a number of top selling books on customer service, with some valuable guidance for managers, executives and customer service professionals from his latest, Please Every Customer-Delivering Stellar Customer Service Across Cultures.

By |2016-10-22T17:11:36-05:00August 31st, 2011|Leadership Caffeine Podcast|0 Comments

Leadership Caffeine™ Podcast-Linda Finkle on Partnering

The lure of "partnering" with others is strong in our society, particularly as more and more high quality professionals pursue their own businesses outside of the not-so-cozy confines of corporate walls. Much like marriage, there are some remarkable upsides and unfortunately (according to the numbers), some pretty significant downsides for many. Enter Linda Finkle, CEO of Incedo Group, and author of the book, Finding the Fork in the Road-The Art of Maximizing the Potential of Business Partnerships, to share some sage guidance on this important topic.

By |2016-10-22T17:11:36-05:00August 24th, 2011|Leadership Caffeine Podcast|3 Comments

Leadership Caffeine™ Podcast-Kevin Oakes on Integrated Talent Management

I had the great fortune recently to connect with Kevin Oakes, CEO of The Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4CP) on his new book as co-editor with Pat Galagan, The Executive Guide to Integrated Talent Management. In this episode, Kevin offers insights for all of us on the promise and challenges of Integrated Talent Management.

By |2016-10-22T17:11:36-05:00August 10th, 2011|Leadership Caffeine Podcast|0 Comments

Leadership Caffeine™ Podcast: Dan McCarthy Interview

I'm excited to announce the launch of my new podcast series: The Leadership Caffeine Podcast, and I'm thrilled that Dan McCarthy, the proprietor of the Great Leadership blog, is here as my first guest. Join us as Dan shares his thoughts and expertise on topics ranging from writing and sustaining a great blog to developing as a new leader in this fast-moving world. While you may know Dan through his blog posts, hearing from Dan will only strengthen your perception of this great professional! This was a fun, easy-going conversation with someone I truly admire. I hope that you enjoy this inaugural episode of The Leadership Caffeine podcast. And stay tuned...future programs include such noteworthy professionals as Kevin Oakes, John Baldoni, Kevin Eikenberry and Linda Finkle.

By |2016-10-22T17:11:37-05:00August 3rd, 2011|Leadership Caffeine Podcast|2 Comments
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