Situation Awareness Skills Are Critical for Leadership Success

When was the last time you read a book or attended a training session on Situation Awareness (SA)? Unless you work around the military, aviation, or in crisis management situations, chances are the answer is never. That's a mistake. Increasingly, I see what I interpret as the skills to assess, understand, project, and act based on that analysis as a critical set of behaviors for leaders at all levels.

Giving Thanks for Our Veterans

We in the United States are the beneficiaries of a long line of remarkable individuals who in times of peril risked or sacrificed their lives to defend our country, and who in times of peace work in harm's way to keep us safe. While "thank you" is the minimum we can offer, there are many ways as citizens to acknowledge how grateful we are for their service.

How to Fight the Pressure to Make a Bad Decision

Yet again, we are faced with a firm that potentially allowed the pressure-to-produce force decisions that impacted not only lives but all of the organization's stakeholders. As a manager, you may not face life or death consequences, however, manage long enough and you will encounter situations that challenge your ethics and values. Here are six ideas to help you navigate a situation where the prevailing approach is one you believe detrimental to the firm.

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