Leadership Caffeine™-Do You Have the Courage to Kill Your Business To Save It?

Fresh off of my recent podcast interview with Geoffrey Moore on his new book, "Escape Velocity-Free Your Company’s Future from the Pull of the Past," I had the opportunity to sit down and chat with my informal Board of Advisors (2 CEOs, 1 GM and 2 Consultants and all experienced leaders) on this very topic…building a new business while running the old one. With my thanks for their input and ideas, here are the highlights:

Art’s Weekly Leadership Message: Step Up to Cure Effective Dialogue Deficit Disorder

The medical community and drug companies have their ED malady and cure, but too many management and project teams suffer from their own form of ED…with two more D’s…EDDD… Effective Dialogue Deficit Disorder. It’s not that people aren’t talking. There’s no deficit of hot air swirling around most meeting rooms. The issue is all about the quality of the dialogue. Here are 5 ideas for you to use immediately in pursuit of stomping out Effective Dialogue Deficit Disorder:

Leadership Caffeine™ Podcast #10: Geoffrey Moore on Escape Velocity

Organizations of all sizes and types, from high tech to manufacturing and not-for-profit, struggle with a common dilemma...how to escape the pull of the past as they look forward into a fast-changing and very different world. Geoffrey A. Moore, the renowned high-tech strategist and author, perhaps best known for his book, Crossing the Chasm, a guide to helping firms move from early adopters across this fateful and often fatal canyon, is back with his latest book, Escape Velocity-Free Your Company's Future from the Pull of the Past. In the book, Moore tackles this tough topic of moving beyond successes of the past towards new generations of offerings and growth.

Guest Marketing Post-Succeeding with Video

Guest Marketing Post-Succeeding with Video: I'm not alone in my video-phobia, and in comparing notes with many of my colleagues, it seems we all struggle with the same issues. We also agree that the benefits of building a video presence strongly outweigh any of the personal reasons for avoiding this. To support our efforts, I encouraged Amber Wallor and Edgar Mourans, the two pros behind Left Hand Marketing and the drive to help small business owners and even hapless actors like me build a video presence, to offer us some guidance. Here's a free e-book and some encouragement from Amber and Edgar.

Leadership Caffeine™—10 Situations to Throttle Back on Speed

Somewhere on the way to this world we now live and work in, “speed” became a proxy for success. Speed is undoubtedly important, but beware relying on it as the sole indicator of effectiveness. It’s a cruel tyrant, demanding fealty from followers, while discouraging critical and deep thinking and focusing solely on time-to-response as a metric of success. Here are at least 10 situations where you should resist the need for speed and call a timeout:

Great Ideas: Management & Leadership Week in Review

Every week (ok, that's not a promise, but an aspiration), I'll offer a few articles/posts and an occasional book suggestion, that I believe are worth sharing and worth thinking about and even acting on in our lives. This week's selections offer inspiration for those striving to achieve, ideas on diagnosing and curing team performance problems, a resource on creating and sustaining organizational performance and some provocative thoughts on what the world needs from leaders.

Steve Jobs-Walking With Giants

Twentieth Century Industrialist and the founder of Panasonic, Konosuke Matsushita, established a garden outside of the firm's modest headquarters in Osaka, Japan. In this garden, he commissioned and placed statues of his heroes. Fittingly, a giant statue of Thomas Edison is at the center of this collection of remarkable Western and Asian inventors and thinkers. [...]

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