Leadership Caffeine™ for Leading in a Crisis
You don't have all the answers. No one does in a crisis. However, your behaviors go a long way to gaining the collective support of your team members in pursuit of one answer and solution at a time.
You don't have all the answers. No one does in a crisis. However, your behaviors go a long way to gaining the collective support of your team members in pursuit of one answer and solution at a time.
Reading Robert Iger's The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company was truly a joy. Wally Bock concurred, and we go on in this fun Leadership and Management Book Talk podcast episode to share the many reasons why we both love this book!
What are you doing weekly to develop, renew, and repair key workplace relationships deliberately? If you don't have a solid answer for this question plus calendar time dedicated to the work, it needs to be elevated to your priority list. It's time to make strengthening your workplace network a top priority. In this article, I share why and how, along with a few finer points for consideration.
The best leadership book I've encountered in years isn't ostensibly about leading. The book is Teaching by Heart: One Professor's Journey to Inspire, by Thomas J. DeLong at Harvard. You'll love getting to know Tom and his passion for teaching, and you won't be able to help drawing some fabulous leadership lessons from him along the way.
The best product managers, project managers, general managers, supervisors, sales managers, and every other leader I can think of who created success over a long period all exhibited the Four C's of: competence, credibility, connection, and caring.
The world of business lost a giant thinker recently, who by all accounts was a fabulous person. I'm referencing Harvard's Clayton Christensen, perhaps best known for his thinking and books focused on The Innovator's Dilemma. Wally Bock and I connected on the latest episode of our podcast to talk about Christensen and his books.
Here’s a little secret. When I use the phrase “emerging leader,” I’m talking about all of us. You’re never done learning to lead. Some of us are a bit more experienced, and others are more effective than others, yet even at retirement, the job of learning to lead is incomplete.
The opportunity to work with a coach in support of your development can be a game-changer for you in your career. Or not. The outcome, in large part, is up to you. Here are seven tips to help you get the most out of your coaching arrangement:
Words matter! We all know this, yet for many, there's room to strengthen how we present and project ourselves in our daily exchanges with colleagues, team members, and bosses. In this episode of the Leadership and Management Book Talk Podcast, Wally Bock and I share our favorite resources for strengthening communication skills.
It’s great to have a positive working relationship with your team members, but as soon as it endangers your ability to succeed with the mission, it’s time to rein things in and operate within the guardrails.