Leadership and Management Book Talk—Building Your Professional Library
Art Petty and Wally Bock connect on this episode of the Leadership and Management Book Talk podcast to offer our thoughts on building your professional library.
Art Petty and Wally Bock connect on this episode of the Leadership and Management Book Talk podcast to offer our thoughts on building your professional library.
Anyone who has been on a team they might reasonably describe as "high-performance" understands how rare these experiences are in the workplace. Add in the challenges of groups new to virtual collaboration, and the potential for underwhelming outcomes rises considerably. However, with a few essential adjustments, the team leader and members can counteract the team development challenges and live to prosper together.
Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg joins Art Petty on the Leadership Caffeine podcast to discuss his book, What's Your Problem? To Solve Your Toughest Problems, Change the Problems You Solve. The focus is on using reframing as a method to explore problems from alternative viewpoints and to identify creative solutions. The book is a great resource for everyone anywhere who is regularly called upon to solve problems in organizations.
In the sweep of recent history, there's a familiar theme: almost no one and no nation is ever prepared for a crisis. If you read history, it's clear we celebrate crisis leaders for their resilience and creativity in helping people survive and sustain. However, I wonder just a bit why we don't do a better job creating leaders who prepare for and even prevent crises in the first place.
Wally Bock and I share our recommended resources on leading in crisis situations. We had to stretch to find business books that we love on this topic, however, the selections from history are plentiful. Enjoy and use the ideas in great leadership health!
From small business owners to global corporate leaders—for anyone who cares about their employees, customers, and business partners, this is a time of sleepless nights and soul-crushing tough decisions. Yes, this is a time of hard decisions. It's also a time for the softest of touches.
In talking with top executives, it’s no surprise that one of the biggest challenges they are facing is transferring their well-established operating routines into an online/virtual format. Many managers are learning their well-honed cadence and schedule of activities to review, plan, and communicate no longer works in a virtual world.
Art Petty and Wally Bock take on the topic of "books about thinking" in this episode of the Leadership and Management Book Talk podcast.
For those leading and managing, it's time to change. The life-safety of our colleagues is of paramount importance in every sector. The economic safety of our employees is right there with the financial security of our customers. And, the road ahead isn't clearly marked. We'll have to navigate together.
We like routines, and those have been put on hold—some likely forever. A new normal will emerge, and much of it won’t feel like the old normal. That's disorienting and can leave many of us swirling. Here are six ideas to help you reset and stop the swirl: