About Art Petty

Art Petty is a coach, speaker and workshop presenter focusing on helping professionals and organizations learn to survive and thrive in an era of change. When he is not speaking, Art serves senior executives, business owners and high potential professionals as a coach and strategy advisor. Additionally, Art’s books are widely used in leadership development programs. To learn more or discuss a challenge, contact Art.

Leadership Caffeine™—5 Things You Can Do to Help Navigate the Crisis

We place extraordinary amounts of pressure on our leaders to solve the big problems in front of us. In reality, they don't have the answers. They are looking for individuals to provide ideas that point to solutions. Here are five ideas you can use today to help and start leading without authority:

Career Caffeine—Why You Need a Sponsor More than a Mentor

Don't let the title of this article mislead you; I love mentors. I've been on the receiving end of several great individuals' wisdom and support during my career. However, it's the sponsors in my different organizations that advocated for me and opened doors to opportunities that challenged me to stretch, grow, and succeed in real-time.

Leadership Caffeine™—Now is the Time to Double-Down on the Fundamentals of Effective Leadership

In the face of complexity and risk, the simplest solutions are generally the best ones. These are indeed challenging times for anyone responsible for managing and leading initiatives, teams, and functions. It might seem as if answers are hard to come by, yet, the fundamentals of effective leadership never go out of style. It's a [...]

Four Big Ideas to Help You Cultivate Influence in a Sharp-Elbowed Environment

I love the "clean power" approach to cultivating influence because it's how I choose to conduct myself. Many others have adopted their version of it for similar reasoning. However, not everyone plays by rules you deem fair, and not everyone has your interests at heart. Here are four ideas to help you survive and thrive when you find yourself working in a sharp-elbowed environment.

Leadership Caffeine™—Two Attitude Hacks to Help Create a Better Day

With most of us still working remotely, many of the conventions we created to tune-in and support our team members have to be rethought. I have two favorite hacks that work regardless of your location. One puts you in the right frame of mind for managing and leading, and the other helps your team frame the day for success.

Thinking Differently About What It Means to Lead

We've barely scratched the surface of the areas in our organizations where thinking differently is essential for survival and success. Teaming, strategy and problem-solving all loom large and merit this treatment. However, starting with the role and work of leaders and the processes for adding talent to the team and supporting their development are perfect entry points.

Free Webinar and Early Bird Pricing for First Time Managers Academy

We've got two great professional development opportunities launching over the next few days. Our free webinar, Think Differently in a World Where All the Rules Have Changed runs on 9/9 at 11 AM Central. And, our live-online First-Time Managers Academy kicks off on 9/10. Early registration pricing for the Academy ends at 11:59 PM on 9/3.

Leadership Caffeine™—For Virtual Teams, Success is Still a Full Contact Activity

We talk a big game about teams in business, yet often they disappoint. Raise your hand if you've been on a so-called team that devolved into a debating society that went nowhere. Regardless of outcomes and experiences, we continue to throw teams at issues expecting or hoping for magic. It turns out, hope is a lousy strategy because team development demands deliberate focus and hard work.

Why the New Manager Failure Rate is So Ridiculously High (Guest Post)

Most everyone agrees it's critical to build a leadership pipeline in our firms. Unfortunately, when it comes to new managers at the front of this pipeline, without proper care and support, the failure rate is abysmally high. Here are five areas where new managers flail and fail along with some help to improve the situation.

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