
The Problem(s) with One-and-Done Training for Manager Development—And Two New Programs that Solve Those Problems

One-and-done type training programs for manager development consistently fall short. A proper professional development experience blends expert instruction, cohort-based learning/sharing, coaching, and time. For time, the issue is months, not weeks. My thoughts and two new programs that deliver the right blended experience.

December 14th, 2023|

Senior Leaders: Your New Manager Development Efforts are Failing Your Firm

Unfortunately, many (read: most) organizations are mired in a broken model for new manager development, emphasizing one-and-done training and avoiding longer-range sustained development that blends coaching, mentoring, cohort collaboration, and even executive sponsorship.As a result, too many new managers are left to flail and, if not fail, at least under-perform, wreaking havoc on performance, engagement, and retention.

November 27th, 2023|
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