Rethinking Managing and Leading in Real-Time

For those leading and managing, it's time to change. The life-safety of our colleagues is of paramount importance in every sector. The economic safety of our employees is right there with the financial security of our customers. And, the road ahead isn't clearly marked. We'll have to navigate together. 

Leadership and Management Book Talk #7: Talking About Clayton Christensen

The world of business lost a giant thinker recently, who by all accounts was a fabulous person. I'm referencing Harvard's Clayton Christensen, perhaps best known for his thinking and books focused on The Innovator's Dilemma. Wally Bock and I connected on the latest episode of our podcast to talk about Christensen and his books.

Leadership Caffeine™—We Are All Emerging Leaders

Here’s a little secret. When I use the phrase “emerging leader,” I’m talking about all of us. You’re never done learning to lead. Some of us are a bit more experienced, and others are more effective than others, yet even at retirement, the job of learning to lead is incomplete.

The Leader’s Role in Accelerating Strategy Execution

The role of top leaders in guiding strategy creation is well documented. Less understood is that once the strategy is formed and shared, the leader’s actions must focus on minimizing organizational friction—the processes, cultural nuances, and political and personal impediments that threaten the organization’s speed-of-execution.

By |2019-12-22T12:01:56-06:00December 22nd, 2019|Leadership, Leadership Caffeine, Leading Change, Strategy|0 Comments

Situation Awareness Skills Are Critical for Leadership Success

When was the last time you read a book or attended a training session on Situation Awareness (SA)? Unless you work around the military, aviation, or in crisis management situations, chances are the answer is never. That's a mistake. Increasingly, I see what I interpret as the skills to assess, understand, project, and act based on that analysis as a critical set of behaviors for leaders at all levels.

Thinking Differently—It’s Time to Fire Up Your Firm’s Imagination

There are more than a few reasons your firm or industry won't make it through the next decade. While you won't derail or defuse the power of the many disruptive market forces swirling in our world, it's the lack of imagination for harnessing these forces that may ultimately relegate your firm to the business history books. Ironically, imagination may be the most controllable and most important of the tools you need to survive and even thrive in this world.

Why Trickle-Down Strategy Approaches Leave Your Employees Thirsty

Unless you're in a start-up or small business, it's impossible to have everyone in the firm physically "in-the-room" for strategy sessions. However, using a strategy-as-a-continuous-process approach, it is possible and desirable to involve everyone in the work of strategy from ideation to execution. But first, you've got to re-plumb the trickle-down strategy process approach to something significantly more inclusive.

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