Gain Vital Skills and Grow Your Success—Summer Professional Development Catalog

Fresh off of leading three outstanding cohorts through a live-online version of my Manager Development Program for New(er) Managers, we are setting up several new mid and late summer opportunities. We would love to help you or your team members level up their skills.  Choose your flavor for this summer's professional development work!

First-Time Manager #10—Your Number One Challenge at Start-Up

Getting started as a first-time manager is one of the more challenging tasks you will ever encounter in your professional life. It's particularly difficult given that almost no one on your new team has any reason to want you as their manager. However, there are some approaches you can take with your new team to quickly begin building your leadership credibility. These include...

By |2017-08-28T08:37:27-05:00August 28th, 2017|First Time Manager Series, Leadership|0 Comments

Introducing The Saturday Serial—An Ongoing Management & Leadership Case

Welcome to The Saturday Serial! This new series reflects my intent and attempt to share and cultivate management and leadership lessons beyond the format of a stale blog post and endless lists of "10 ideas to... ." While I love writing the Management Excellence blog and the first 1,025 posts are testament to my commitment, I've wanted to experiment with the serial and management fable format here for a long time. Beginning with my first episode, "Welcome to ACME John Anderson," you will meet a growing cast of characters facing a series of very real management, leadership and career challenges in this fictional high-tech, global conglomerate and its various units and divisions. Enjoy!

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