Leadership Caffeine™ for the New Week: Lead with Passion!

The passion that a leader brings to his or her work is the secret sauce in a winning recipe for creating an effective working environment and developing a high performance team. Good leaders understand their role, work hard on developing credibility, listen and ask questions and provide coaching and mentoring. Great leaders do all of that and they infuse everyone around them with a sense of excitement for the adventure.

Leadership Caffeine™ for the New Week-Expect the Extraordinary

This week’s boost of leadership energy comes straight from one of my early career mentors. This truly exceptional individual practiced leadership according to 5 simple handwritten rules that he kept posted on the wall in his office for everyone to see. These rules pointed to his True North as a leader, and were the first words that he would read every morning, right after securing his first of many cups of coffee for the day. They read…

Dream and Act Big: Leadership Caffeine™ for the Week of April 5, 2009

This week’s jolt of energy is taken from a great interview with Jim Collins in the April, 2009 issue of Inc. Magazine. Collins connected with Inc. editor, Bo Burlingham to share views on the state of our world, building great businesses and entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurial focus is relevant for many that have either been pushed into this world through downsizing or are considering it as they grow weary of the uncertainties of corporate life. And whether you are a budding entrepreneur or not, the insights, guidance and reminder to dream and act big are appropriate and inspirational.

Leadership Caffeine™ for the Week of March 8, 2009

Welcome back for this week’s double-shot of leadership motivation. I’m taking my leadership cues this week from Michael Beers, a Harvard Professor with a forthcoming book: High Commitment, High Performance: How to Build a Resilient Organization for Sustained Advantage. While I’m not certain that a Harvard Professor is the first one that I seek out to help me lead my way out of a crisis, I like what he has to say. Mr. Beer’s focus is on building high performance teams and organizations on the back of what he describes as high commitment leaders.

Leadership Caffeine™ for the Week of February 16, 2009

Note to RSS and e-mail subscribers: thanks to readers for pointing out that my weekly Leadership Caffeine posts were not publishing to e-mail subscribers. It appears that the name must change otherwise the system thinks that it is redundant. I will include the date in the headline from this point. I apologize for any inconvenience in republishing this post. -Art The focus this week is on strengthening team performance by improving your own leadership practices. You as leader directly control the quality of your team’s working environment. The health of this environment is a critical indicator of your leadership effectiveness. Here are three ideas to help jump-start your program to improve your team's working environment.

Leadership Caffeine™ for the New Week

Let's start out with an extra large cup of the hot stuff to help kick-start the new week. Oh, and one sugar, please, in acknowledgement of Valentine’s Day. Consistent with the theme of this card, flower and candy holiday that my significant other enjoys so much, the focus this week is on relationships. It's time to improve your professional networking, spend some time learning from your sales colleagues and work on repairing any broken relationships. Oh yeah, and don't forget your significant other on Valentine's Day!

Leadership Caffeine™ for the New Week

4 quick-shots of your favorite roast to jolt you into action in this new week. This week's issue helps you jump start tough conversations, improve project post-mortem meetings, increase your active listening effectiveness and schedule staff meetings that people want to attend. And if you need a double-shot of motivation, visit the Leadership Caffeine category at the Management Excellence site.

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