Nine rules turnaround leaders can live by that don’t involve ‘fixing the culture’

Leaders charged with righting foundering organizations often claim “the culture is broken.” However, just as you cannot fix people, experience tells me that focusing on fixing a culture is a fool’s errand. Instead, focus on these nine issues:

March 2023 Leadership Development Carnival

For many years, I've had the pleasure and honor of submitting my Leadership Caffeine articles to the monthly Leadership Development Carnival coordinated by the great team at Weaving Influence. This monthly collection of ideas, inspiration, and guidance for all of us has been a must-read and must-share. On days when the Carnival publishes, I grab [...]

Leadership Caffeine™—Here’s Where You Should Slow Down to Move Faster

It's easy to swallow the dogma that has emerged around the "Cult of Speed" in our management thinking and teaching. Yet, the pursuit of speed in poorly designed systems exposes weaknesses and often precipitates project, strategy, and even organizational failure. Said simply, raw speed kills. Sometimes you have to tap the brakes and slow down to ultimately move faster.

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