Leadership Caffeine™-The Unpopular Decisions are Yours

There will be many days in your leadership life, when you will be challenged to make decisions that carry painful implications for teams, departments and individuals. Your ability to stare straight at the unpopular and difficult issues and make a decision that is contrary to popular opinion, is core to your evolution as a leader.

Leadership Caffeine™:When Playing Office Politics Leave the Playground Tactics Behind

There’s no hiding from, denying or deftly side-stepping the reality that the political game…the pursuit of resources, budgets and yes, even power, is in full swing just about all of the time in most organizations. It’s too bad that most people are playing it wrong. Here are 4 ideas to help you move beyond playground tactics in your pursuit of strengthening the organization:

Just One Thing-A Lousy Boss is No Excuse to Let the Fires Burn

Some organizations seem to perpetuate a culture that generates talk and hand wringing and teeth gnashing on issues, but little constructive action. Instead of letting the heat from 1,000 smoldering fires melt away your spirit and initiative, take action, grab a hose and form a bucket brigade. Do something...just don't stand around and watch things burn.

Leadership Caffeine™—3 Situations to Quality Check Your Gut Instinct

While it’s clear our guts don’t do any heavy lifting when it comes to making decisions, that sense we describe as “gut feeling” is something most of us rely on to guide us through life’s challenges. However, there are at least 3 key situations where senior leaders should develop the discipline to quality check their gut instincts:

Leadership Caffeine™—6 Ideas to Help You Prosper During Periods of Change

Contrary to how many people view and respond to change in the workplace, it’s been my experience that periods of organizational adjustment typically represent big fat beach balls of opportunity for those willing to pitch in and help. Here are 6 ideas to help you adjust to and prosper during periods of organizational change:

Leaders, Beware the Imposters: Triumph and Disaster

Triumph, that moment in time when we have vanquished our competitors or achieved a level of performance long desired, is the moment of our greatest vulnerability. Leading from a point of success is challenging. Disaster breeds its’ own set of leadership challenges. The best leaders follow Kipling's advice and treat these imposters the same.

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