Leadership Caffeine™-Listen Harder, Please!

I doubt that anyone reading this would disagree with the theme of, it’s important to be a good listener to be a good leader. However, in working with leaders at all levels striving to strengthen their performance, listening skills aren’t an issue some of the time, they are an issue nearly 100% of the time. Here are 3 ideas to help you exercise your leadership listening skills today:

New Leader Tuesday-Develop as a Decision Coach

The best leaders I’ve worked with and for are not only good decision-makers, they are effective decision-coaches. They understand the importance of teaching their teams how how to navigate the pitfalls and complexities of decision-making in pursuit of the best results for the organization. Here are 6 great habits of effective Decision-Making Coaches:

Just One Thing-How Hard Are You Working at Connecting?

We live and work in a transactional world, where most of us experience a large number of low engagement sound-byte interactions in our professional and even our personal lives. It's the rhythm of our age. Take a few moments and try and recall the last time you engaged in a high quality, interactive conversation with a peer, boss or direct report that led to a valued outcome, a new insight or a new direction. Here are some ideas to help you slow down and create some quality connections between you and your colleagues:

Successful, Yes. But at What Cost?

For most of us, reading “Dish Network, the Meanest Company in America,” (via Bloomberg BusinessWeek) focusing on the style and tactics of Charlie Ergen, chairman and co-founder of the firm, will leave us feeling thankful that we work somewhere else. Nonetheless, Ergen is successful with his over-the-top and in-your-face style of command and control leadership. Is this a style for you?

Leadership Development Carnival-Best of 2012

Thanks to Dan McCarthy of Great Leadership by Dan fame, there's a tremendous collection of favorite leadership blogger posts from last year at this month's "Best of 2012 Leadership Development Carnival." If you're looking for some thought-starter ideas to help you succeed with your New Year's Leadership resolutions, this is a great place to begin your search!

Leadership Caffeine™-Full Contact Leadership

The most effective leaders I know enjoy and invest time honing their skills and techniques through training and education, but mostly, they focus on getting their hands dirty on the front lines with their team members. These are Full Contact Leaders. Here are 11 behaviors of these very visible and driven professionals:

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