It Takes Leadership Courage to Kick Conventional Wisdom to the Curb

Resilience, according to one dictionary definition, is the capacity to absorb a shock or a punch and return quickly to original form. Life and business are filled with shocks and punches. We've lived this story for the past few years. And the shocks and punches keep coming, just in different forms and from unexpected places. It takes resilience and leadership courage to absorb the hits and come out stronger.

March 2023 Leadership Development Carnival

For many years, I've had the pleasure and honor of submitting my Leadership Caffeine articles to the monthly Leadership Development Carnival coordinated by the great team at Weaving Influence. This monthly collection of ideas, inspiration, and guidance for all of us has been a must-read and must-share. On days when the Carnival publishes, I grab [...]

Designing A Bug-Free Operating System for Great Managers

Rethinking the Operating System Needed for Manager Success Late last year, I shared an article at SmartBrief on Leadership, introducing the idea of the Manager's Operating System—a set of core programs or instructions that must be present to create a healthy working environment and support manager and team success. I like the operating system metaphor [...]

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