Art of Managing—Change Your Field-of-View

Too often, we’re laser focused on the object in front of us; the next project or the person we’re working with, and our field-of-view is severely constricted. We fail to see the bigger picture until something from outside our narrow view of the world runs us over. Here are 8 ideas to help jumpstart your external scanning activities:

Dear Corporate—Why We Hate Your Business Reviews

The Business Review meeting is a staple of large and small organizations everywhere. These can either be constructive opportunities to reflect on challenges and opportunities and identify needed actions, or, they can be destructive time-wasters. Sadly, in many organizations, these meetings resemble the latter. Here are six ways the group from corporate contributes to the destruction of what should be an important meeting:

Leadership Caffeine™—Leading Your Peers

We tend to reserve our thinking, writing and talking about leadership for the hierarchical relationships. However, peer groups represent great, untapped sources of problem-solving and improvement. There's ample opportunity for you to assert as a leader of this group, if you take the right approach. Here are 7 steps to asserting as a leader of your peers without being perceived as a jerk...

New Coaching and Webinar Offerings from Art Petty

During the past few months, I've received a number of inquiries that neatly fit into two key themes: coaching services for individuals below the executive or soon-to-be executive ranks and coaching services for those interested in reinventing their careers. I'm excited to announce two new programs: ACCELERATE and REINVENT. Also, I'm kicking off my 2016 webinar series with "Level-Up and Accelerate Your Career" on February 4, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. CST.

Leadership Caffeine™—Refueling as a Leader

From about the six-month mark out of college and for all but eighteen months of the next twenty-two years, I supervised, managed and cultivated my leadership skills in a variety of different technology and software firms. While I loved and still do love the challenge and responsibility for guiding and developing others, the work (including the actual running of the business) was and is demanding and draining. I learned over time that I could only be at my best for others if I took care of my own refueling needs first. Here are 9 ideas to help re-energize your leadership spirit:

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