Promoted! Clean House or Just Rearrange the Furniture?

One of the initial decisions you face when you are promoted to a leadership role with direct report managers is whether to focus on building around the talent you just inherited or clean house and start fresh with a team that is most definitely yours. Your approach will have a profound impact on your ultimate success. Here are some key considerations when facing this issue:

Leadership Caffeine™ Podcast #21—Full Potential Running

Every once in awhile, I come across individuals who inspire me by their enthusiasm and passion for their profession, their pursuits and for life. Eric Wallor and Michael Lucchesi, proprietors of the running coaching business, Full Potential Running, are two of those individuals. These two combine for a podcast more fun than any morning sports show, with some great business and life tie-ins.

What Videogame Designers Can Teach Us About Organizational Change

The ability to rewire our thinking about change may be a fundamental survival skill in a period of time where accelerating change is a given. Change must be interpreted as challenge, and building a culture that embraces the pursuit of a steady stream of new challenges must be the mandate of leaders. I think the video game designers have already cracked this code.

Leadership Caffeine™—“It’s Not What You Preach, it’s What You Tolerate”

The book, "Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win," is one of the latest additions to the growing number of books from the ranks of the warrior heroes known as Navy SEALs. This one is a keeper, with powerful lessons drawn from life or death experiences. While our workplace challenges are mild by comparison, the leadership lessons are a perfect fit for anyone accountable for the results of others.

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