First-Time Manager #14—Management Lessons Learned the Hard Way

In workshops and live settings, I’ve been asked numerous times about my biggest mistakes as a manager. I’ve made a fair number of them over three decades of leading and managing (and I regularly share these via my cases and articles), however, my Achilles Heel earlier in my career was my propensity to invest an [...]

Leadership Caffeine™—Be the Hero of Your Own Story

Being the hero of your own leadership and management journey isn't about focusing on yourself. To the contrary, it's about focusing on those around you and striving to leave every encounter, situation, and person a bit better than how you found it. Here are 4 questions to use daily to strengthen results on your own heroic journey:

Struggling as a Manager? Try Revisiting These 3 Foundational Issues

If you’re growing frustrated and fatigued with your life as a manager, you might want to take a step-back and review and strengthen the foundation for your role. Three items provide structural integrity for your managerial foundation: role clarity, values, and connectedness All three components inter-operate to support your effectiveness and to eliminate many challenges in this difficult role. Alternatively, the absence of the three is potentially disastrous.

Leadership Caffeine™—Communication Lessons from Charlie Brown

How confident are you that your message is getting through to others? Too often we perceive we are communicating clearly and effectively, when all anyone hears is something resembling the adults on a Charlie Brown feature. You know the noise they make: "Wah wa wa wa wah wa." Don't let this be you.

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