What D-Day and Other Big Decisions in History Teach Us About Decision-Making as Leaders

History is filled with examples where a decision at a moment-in-time changed the outcome. As we commemorate the courage of those who participated in the D-Day Invasion in World War II, I look at Eisenhower's decision that day and another fateful decision 80-years earlier that changed the course of a nation. Our workplace decisions aren't on the same scale, yet, the big decisions at a moment in time do change the fate of organizations. What can we learn from history here?

One Communication Superpower We Should All Strive to Cultivate

Seeing situations through the eyes of others may be the most crucial skill you're not working very hard on in your professional or personal lives. It turns out when you do this—when you truly actually strive to understand how others view situations—the world takes on a decidedly different complexion.

Nine Ideas to Help You Lead Effectively in Pressure Environments

It's a fact of life as managers and leaders that we must generate results or we lose the opportunity to lead. While some environments are transactional, where the pressure for results at all costs breeds short-term behaviors, you always have the option to choose "How" you will lead. Here are nine ideas you can apply on the run to strengthen your team and promote great performance:

Career Reinvention Journal—Moving Beyond Daydreams to Your “Next”

Finding a new job and finding a new career are two very different activities. For the former, it often pays to be opportunistic. However, for career reinventors, waiting or hoping for someone else to show up with your idea for your next professional move is mostly an exercise in futility. Career reinvention is a full contact, immersive, and deliberate activity.

7 Management Lessons from a Home Renovation Project

Anyone who has invested time in renovating an older home understands surprises and conundrums emerge every time a wall or ceiling is breached. There are parallels in the world of management where the twists and turns of the marketplace demand change. Great tradespeople and great managers find a way through wicked problems using creativity and critical thinking. Here are seven lessons I was reminded of during a recent renovation project.

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