Leadership Caffeine™—The Imperative to Think Differently About Managing and Leading

Now is not the time for the dominant logic surrounding managing and leading to prevail. That's how we got here, and "here" isn't so great. It's essential we find better ways to inspire, motivate, and engage great people who want to make a difference in our organizations. Here are twelve places to start:

Are You Investing in a Growth Experience or Entertainment for Your Team Members?

It turns out; it’s not easy to find programs and providers that deliver growth opportunities. There’s a lot of program offering great content and entertaining experiences, but not real growth opportunities. Here are five key questions to ask potential providers before investing:

Think Differently About Professional Development Investments

Having spent millions of dollars of my budget and many hundreds of hours of my time, and probably tens of thousands of hours of the combined time of my team members, I’ve cultivated some strong likes/dislikes and some powerful lessons learned. Use these in outstanding professional development health with your teams and colleagues.

Leadership Caffeine™—The Five Building Blocks of the Healthy Working Environment

It's always bothered me that building a healthy working environment isn't described in most managerial job descriptions. This is the most important work a manager can engage in to strengthen engagement and performance, yet working on the working environment is ignored in the daily rush for results. In this article, I offer ideas and approaches to help managers jump-start this critical work.

Mid-Week Career Caffeine—Overcoming Your Fear of Risk

The number one reason experienced, capable professionals relegate ideas of a career change to daydreams or fantasies is the fear of risk. After all, shifting from the work, firm, or vocation that's paying the bills feels inherently risky. However, what if there were a way to manage and mitigate the majority of the risk involved with a career change? Would that make you more comfortable pursuing the career you believe is right for you at this stage of your life? I think so. Learn more in the latest Mid-Week Career Caffeine video.

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