Leadership Caffeine™ Podcast: Brook Manville on Judgment Calls

Run a literature search on decision-making, and you'll find a broad range of content, much of it focused on the cognitive issues and traps surrounding the process, and the balance focused on the disasters so widely dissected in our culture. For a fresh and refreshing view, enter Tom Davenport and Brook Manville with their book, Judgment Calls-12 Stories of Big Decisions and the Teams that Got Them Right.

Leadership Caffeine™: Listen with Intent

Yesterday, a valued colleague described a fascinating professional interaction and used the phrase, “listening with intent.”While I imagine it is something on the level of “seek first to understand,” the phrasing works for me. It connotes a significant and deep personal investment in focusing on another human…something lacking from most of our interchanges in life and in the workplace.

Bringing Back Professional Courtesy

The issue of professional courtesy (or seeming lack thereof) came up at a recent networking group meeting. With permission, I’m sharing the spontaneous suggestion list we generated, including ideas for live and social media settings. Please add to the list and let’s all strive to put these into practice in real-time. At Least 15 Ideas to Help Bring Professional Courtesy Back:

Leadership Caffeine™-For a Change, Do Something Unconventionally Unorthodox

We tend to love our life and work routines. They are comfortable and comforting. And while there’s a certain amount of routine that’s inherent in successfully running any organization, the best leaders seek and create opportunities to breakaway from the mind-numbing, sense-dulling pursuit of routine. Here are 5 ideas to stimulate your own-thinking on breaking the routine with your team:

Leadership Caffeine™ Podcast #14-Bob Frisch on Who’s In the Room?

Bob Frisch is one smart professional, with some great guidance for senior managers and CEO's in his new book: "Who's In the Room? How Great Leaders Structure and Manage the Teams Around Them." His lifetime experience as a strategy consultant working with senior management teams comes through loud and clear as he shares some fairly blunt and important perspectives on how decisions at the top are really made.

Leadership Caffeine™-Why You Might Want to Pause Before Voicing that Decision

Teaching others to employ effective decision-making processes is one of the most important and often ignored responsibilities of those in leadership roles. Unfortunately, training your team to look to you for the calls on how to fix problems and move forward is much easier than teaching your team members to stand on their own for most issues.

Website Construction-Pardon Our Dust

Much like the orange road construction signs springing up like dandelions on a Chicago lawn in April, you'll notice some construction challenges here at artpetty.com and the Management Excellence blog. We are in the process of updating the website and it is highly likely this will occasionally impede navigation temporarily. Blog posts will continue as usual.

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