About Art Petty

Art Petty is a coach, speaker and workshop presenter focusing on helping professionals and organizations learn to survive and thrive in an era of change. When he is not speaking, Art serves senior executives, business owners and high potential professionals as a coach and strategy advisor. Additionally, Art’s books are widely used in leadership development programs. To learn more or discuss a challenge, contact Art.

January Development Opportunities for New(er) and Experienced Managers

Something I always did as a corporate executive was to make sure as many of my team members as possible were set up for professional development early in the new year. I love helping my team members launch into the new year with their brains boiling with ideas, fresh approaches, and energy for the challenges ahead! Now that I'm the one doing the training and coaching, I'm excited to offer the same opportunity to you and your team members.

The Old Model of Manager is Broken—It’s Time to Start Fresh

It's time to replace the tired, outdated model we have for identifying, developing, and tasking managers. Given the complexity of our environment today, we need to find new ways to harness the creative and productive power of inspired people, not send them running out the door or leave them idling in place.

A Simple, Powerful Fix for Feedback Problems on Your Team

Of all the challenges managers at all levels face, delivering constructive (and even positive) feedback is near the top of the list. There's good reason—it's a confusing topic that even the experts who study human psychology and neuroscience disagree on, despite mountains of research. Here are four ideas to help strengthen your feedback culture and effectiveness.

People Don’t Want to Manage and That’s a Problem

The old supervisory model and mentality are obsolete. The essence of the new role is empowerment and support. Perhaps instead of having individuals write off the opportunity to contribute to others and their organizations in unique ways, we might just build the next generation of great leaders. I've checked, and we need more of those great leaders!

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