How to create focus in your work (and personal) life to stimulate success
But, creating and maintaining focus is a battle. I often fail until I remind myself yet again of what's important and then take action to cut out the noise and distractions. Here are some ideas to help you create focus on your path to success:
Leadership Development is Indeed Failing Us—Time for a New Approach
When it came to leadership development investments, as an executive, it grew frustrating to send people to name-brand organizations and have them return with a "nice experience," a big bill, and no visible strengthened abilities or sustained changes.
The Problem(s) with One-and-Done Training for Manager Development—And Two New Programs that Solve Those Problems
One-and-done type training programs for manager development consistently fall short. A proper professional development experience blends expert instruction, cohort-based learning/sharing, coaching, and time. For time, the issue is months, not weeks. My thoughts and two new programs that deliver the right blended experience.
5 roadblocks that keep too many from making a career shift—and how to defeat them
For many who toy with the notion of a new career direction, there are roadblocks and gremlins that often keep them from moving forward. Here are five statements I've encountered in the past few weeks and my thoughts for moving beyond each. (Hint: you'll hear a theme in my guidance.)
Senior Leaders: Your New Manager Development Efforts are Failing Your Firm
Unfortunately, many (read: most) organizations are mired in a broken model for new manager development, emphasizing one-and-done training and avoiding longer-range sustained development that blends coaching, mentoring, cohort collaboration, and even executive sponsorship.As a result, too many new managers are left to flail and, if not fail, at least under-perform, wreaking havoc on performance, engagement, and retention.
It’s That Time of Year for Managers—Don’t Make These Mistakes with Your Performance Evaluations
The real work of getting performance evaluations starts long before you reach the time to write and discuss them. Nonetheless, you're at the 11th hour. Here are some tips you can use at this late date to help you do your best for your team members.