Career Focus—When You Change, But Your View of You Doesn’t
One of the significant career mistakes I see otherwise talented professionals make is identifying with and lingering in the wrong role or vocation long after the expiration date. Here's a list of questions to help you run a career self-check.
A Unique (free) Manager Development Event—Friday, May 12 at Noon Central
Join me and a cast of your peers from across industries and organizations on Friday, 5/12, at noon central for the latest Leadership Caffeine Jam Session, when we come together for an hour to identify and develop solutions for some of the most vexing challenges all managers face
Feeling Increasingly Irrelevant at Work? Assess and Take Action
In our unsettled era, wondering whether you are still relevant in your workplace is the stuff of sleepless nights. It's essential to gauge whether your uneasy feeling is real or just a product of our odd times. If your suspicions are confirmed, it's time to take action.
Six Big Insights from the Six-Hour Career Energize Program Beta Sessions
Six big insights from the recent beta version of the Six-Hour Career Energize Program. It turns out there is a process for turning daydreams into reality without jumping off a cliff.
Strengthen Your Effectiveness as a Manager with a 12-Item Daily Checklist
I love checklists. Airline pilots use them. Surgeons, nurses, safety professionals, quality engineers, and individuals in every high-stakes profession use them. Thank goodness. But what about managers? What's on your checklist?
The Culture, Strategy, and Performance Killing Spiral of Poor or No Feedback
While we regularly focus on feedback as an individual performance tool, it's also a critical communication tool for driving improvement across groups and for processes and initiatives. Yet, this important, honest communication is in short supply in too many organizations.