We received a great response to our recent webinar, Why a Career Pivot is Possible & Tips to Jump-Start Yours (you can view the replay here), along with some questions about our Career Reinvent Boot Camp (learn more). In this note, I’m sharing answers to the most frequently asked questions.
If jump-starting your career pivot is a priority, our next cohort kicks off at 6:30 p.m. central on the evening of 5/5 via Zoom. Let me know if you want to learn more or talk to a boot camp alum.
Who should join the Career Reinvent Boot Camp?
The program is ideal for any individual who feels restless in their career and wants to explore making a significant change in what they do or where they do something. Whether you are changing vocations or fields or interested in going out on your own, this is a great way to accelerate your progress and minimize your risks.
One caveat: if your primary desire is a like-kind job change, this isn’t the right program. We focus on individuals interested in pivoting or moving somewhere different in their careers.
Is this program just for individuals who are later in their careers?
There’s no requirement for years of experience or age. Our boot camps regularly include individuals ranging from the late twenties to early sixties. One early career professional joked that she was in the program for the “invent,” not the “re-invent” part! Coincidentally, she executed an unbelievably quick program and landed a new job in a new industry just two weeks after the program wrapped up!
How do the group sessions and one-on-one coaching work?
The two complement each other! For eight weeks, we connect as a group for 90-minutes to share updates, support each other, offer ideas, including networking suggestions, and cheer progress. I include some light content presentations and introduce helpful tools and tips each week as well. These sessions are fantastic for the sharing and idea generation that goes on in them!
The one-on-one coaching work is where the two of us collaborate to guide you through the career reinvent framework™ and bring your efforts to life. A typical coaching session runs 60-90 minutes and always ends with an action plan for your upcoming work. Some individuals like to meet weekly and others bi-weekly. I’m happy to fit your schedule.
What does my registration fee of $1295 for the boot camp include?
The Career Reinvent Boot Camp includes:
- Participation in the eight weekly group sessions (6:30 p.m. central to 8:00 p.m. central, starting 5/5.)
- A minimum of four one-on-one coaching sessions where we work together to help you navigate the career reinvent process.
- Enrollment in an ever-gree e-learning portal with all the program materials
- Unlimited e-mail access to Art post-program for ongoing support.
The value here in coaching, guidance, and building a new support network is incredible!
I’m undecided on what I want to do next. Will I be able to decide on my career pivot during this program?
This is my favorite question. The answer is, “It depends.” Some individuals come armed with clear ideas on their “next,” and they jump to the later stages of the process and move to research in the exploration and experimentation stages. We’ve had people shift jobs or start new ventures as part of the boot camps.
Others are genuinely unsure what to do and are there for help in all of the stages.
I can guarantee that if you do the work, you will come out with a series of options to experiment with and clear criteria on how to decide for this stage of your life. Roughly translated: you will gain clarity and direction through the program. I will not let you leave it without a game plan to move forward. And, once you’ve been in the program, I support your efforts for life. That’s my commitment!
Do you take multiple payments?
Yes, upon request. Just drop me a note, and we will set up a payment program.
How do I sign up?
Visit the Career Reinvent Boot Camp program page and scroll to the bottom for registration and credit card payment.
Will there be another program this year?
I’m not sure. I run just a few per year to make sure I can focus on supporting the individuals for their career projects. I also have an active leadership development and executive coaching practice that places demands on my schedule. It’s not clear when I will run the next program.
If you are restless, dissatisfied with where you are at or what you are doing or have some big career dreams but don’t know how to bring them to life, the Career Reinvent Boot Camp is a great place to gain traction and jump-start this important project. I will be honored to serve and support you!
Drop me a note if you want to conduct a discovery call or to chat with an alum from one of our earlier boot camps.
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