This technique for manufacturing great days at work is powerful.

It takes less than five minutes in the morning before you walk-in or log-on or do whatever it is you do to start your workday.

I learned it from someone whose name I’ve long forgotten. I’m forever grateful.

Quiet Your Mind and Prepare Your Attitude

Before you start work today, take five minutes to prepare your attitude.

Yes, you heard me—prepare your attitude.

There are probably a million things on your mind. The urgent issues, uncomfortable conversations, and the meeting you’re not ready for. Or, maybe you had a lousy commute or an argument with your significant other last night and are feeling stressed.

You can’t control much of what happens around you. However, you can control how you respond to each situation.

It’s time to quiet your mind for a few minutes and focus on becoming you at your best.

Ask Yourself This Question:

Ask yourself, “What must I do to succeed at every encounter today?

And then answer the question.

My answer usually includes:

  • Listen hard.
  • Work to understand their needs.
  • Help them problem-solve or, if they are on my team, teach them to problem-solve.
  • Leave every encounter better than I found it.
  • When I grow frustrated with someone or some issue and feel the urge to snap at them, pause before speaking. Keep pausing until the urge passes.
  • Show and tell people how much I appreciate them and what they do.

And when I wrap-up my day, I reflect on what worked that I need to do more of tomorrow.

The Bottom-Line for Now:

There’s something powerful about the act of deliberately deciding to succeed at every encounter and then working at it. You’ll never be perfect, but your efforts and approach will become a big part of how people see you. And, you’ll smile a lot more.

Art's Signature


Related: A Checklist and Process to Create Daily Success at Work