Imagine taking on the simultaneous equation of solving for strengthening your firm’s performance, while growing as a leader and learning to be at your best all of the time.

Admittedly, those are lofty ambitions on their own, and akin to climbing Everest without oxygen when combined into the same program. And that’s exactly what I did with an all new executive and entrepreneur-tested program under my “Level-Up” brand.

The program works according to the participants, because of the approach. Instead of imposing big, complicated frameworks and change initiatives that create more problems than they solve, we focus on identifying one or two key behaviors in each of the three key areas, that when tuned, tweaked, adopted, and reinforced, offer the potential for big results.

The new program (keynote, workshop, coaching, hybrid), is split into three modules:

  • Level-Up Organization
  • Level-Up Leadership
  • Level-Up Self

In each of the modules we identify the high impact behaviors and work with participants to develop the right approach for applying them to maximum impact in their own environments.

  • Yes, transforming an organization is an overwhelming idea, however, helping team members adjust their views to outside factors is controllable, and the results…well, they’re transformational. (See the video included below.)
  • Strengthening as a leader or transforming the leadership culture in your firm are tall orders. In the workshop, I show participants how rethinking their role and purpose and adjusting one or two key behaviors will energize teams while contributing to their learning and transformation as leaders.
  • The “Self” module by definition is the most personal and in my opinion the most challenging. I ask three very blunt questions that most of us avoid. The introspection and resulting priority and action changes are like rocket fuel for those who pause and take the activity seriously. The work helps individuals tune-in to themselves, their priorities and values and what it’s like and what they have to do to operate at their best.

It’s fun to deliver content that engages people. It’s incredibly rewarding and gratifying to work with people motivated to change their lives, careers, teams, and firms for the better.

I’ve written almost 2,000 articles, three books (#’s 4 and 5 underway), and I do all of this because I want to help make a difference in the best way I know how: helping motivated professionals strengthen as leaders.

I would love to work with you and your team for a workshop, keynote, coaching program or hybrid offering!

Instead of a daunting reinvention process based on a complicated framework dreamed up by some big consulting firm, we work on a very discrete number of behaviors that if adjusted or adopted, offer the potential for dramatic gains. (Sweeping incrementalism!)

Let’s connect and talk about how to help you at the individual, team and even firm level.

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p.s. the video describes an example of a particularly wise senior product manager who changed the fate of her organization, team, and career for the better with a simple behavior change. It’s just one approach we cover in the workshop.