Leadership Caffeine—Mine (and Mind) Your Mistakes for Growth

Our mistakes in pursuit of learning are the burpees, extra gym time, and leg days of our mental fitness for most of us. For those where mistakes are measured in cost or time (not life impact or safety), your mistakes measure how hard you are pushing yourself to grow. Here are ideas to turn your misfires into gold.

Leadership Caffeine™—The Five Building Blocks of the Healthy Working Environment

It's always bothered me that building a healthy working environment isn't described in most managerial job descriptions. This is the most important work a manager can engage in to strengthen engagement and performance, yet working on the working environment is ignored in the daily rush for results. In this article, I offer ideas and approaches to help managers jump-start this critical work.

Leadership Caffeine™—Rethinking Your Team’s Business Reviews and Operating Approach

While I’ve not attended your business review session, I can tell you with confidence born of experience that most of these events are painful time, productivity, and morale killers. And, in this world where COVID has taught us that quarters are like centuries and the world shifts in hours and days, I increasingly find the ubiquitous quarterly business reviews anachronistic. It's time to change your team's operating approach.

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