The Great Capitulation: Here’s Why You’re Losing Too Many Good People

Here's a Fun-Fact from my Career Reinvent Boot Camp programs: 50% of participants would prefer to reinvent their careers (change what they do) without leaving your organization. Unfortunately, most of them end up leaving your firm. Here's why and here are some ideas you can rethink your approach to career development in your organization:

Are You Investing in a Growth Experience or Entertainment for Your Team Members?

It turns out; it’s not easy to find programs and providers that deliver growth opportunities. There’s a lot of program offering great content and entertaining experiences, but not real growth opportunities. Here are five key questions to ask potential providers before investing:

Leadership Caffeine™—Beware Creating Toxic, Under-Performing Cultures of Niceness

It's possible for organizations to contract a potentially terminal case of under-performance while pursuing a culture that emphasizes not only collegial interchange, but a sense of what I can only describe as niceness. High performers and high performance cultures thrive on challenge and push, not coddling or sheltering from reality. As a leader, you set the tone.

By |2017-08-27T10:43:25-05:00August 27th, 2017|Art of Managing, Leadership|0 Comments

Level-Up™#4—Six Lessons to Help Grow Your Power at Work

(Note: this post originally appeared at the Management Excellence blog copyright 2015 Art Petty) Ask and answer a simple question: “How did the three most powerful people in your firm (without a “C” in their titles) arrive at their current positions?” The answer to this question contains some key lessons for you in your own quest to enhance your career and gain more control of your work. Here are six lessons...

By |2016-10-22T17:11:10-05:00April 29th, 2015|Career|0 Comments

Strengthen Your Team By Seeking People Who Believe that They Can Grow

Look back on your own recent string of hires and promotions, and if your batting average is lower than you would like it to be, consider Ms. Dweck’s advice: “look for both talent and a growth mind-set in prospective hires—people with a passion for learning who thrive on challenge and change. And remember to open your eyes and look around you for talent in unexpected places. Your greatest future success stories might be closer than they appear.

By |2016-10-22T17:12:21-05:00August 14th, 2008|Leadership, Leading Change|0 Comments

A Friday Walk on The Lighter Side: Growth is Not a Four Letter Word

I had a horrible consultant’s dream the other night, where I found myself shouted down in a planning session when I had the temerity to suggest that the “g” word was suspiciously absent from the prioritized corporate action-list. “Growth is an outcome!” one person shouted. “We need to fix the plumbing and growth will come our way!” shouted another. “Growth is not our issue,” hollered a third person who I had observed arriving just after the financial review showcased what can only be described as reverse growth. “Death to the growth zealot,” shouted a fourth baring his teeth.” I remember looking at the door and mentally calculating whether I would win the footrace to the exit should that be necessary. Fortunately, my alarm clock went off and I breathed easier until I remembered that I was facilitating a discussion about growth in two hours. I immediately broke out in a sweat. Fortunately for me, the group was much less “Lord of the Flies-like” than the team in my dream. I did however maintain an unobstructed view to the door at all times.

By |2016-10-22T17:12:31-05:00January 25th, 2008|Leadership, Strategy|0 Comments
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