Art of Managing—The Never Ending Fight for Your Firm’s Future

Great management teams are hungry to win in the moment and relentless at building for the future. It takes discipline and deliberate efforts to separate the here and now from an imagined but uncertain future—yet success over time demands this effort and discipline. Here are four big behaviors of management teams succeeding today while fighting hard for a great future:

Dear Corporate—Why We Hate Your Business Reviews

The Business Review meeting is a staple of large and small organizations everywhere. These can either be constructive opportunities to reflect on challenges and opportunities and identify needed actions, or, they can be destructive time-wasters. Sadly, in many organizations, these meetings resemble the latter. Here are six ways the group from corporate contributes to the destruction of what should be an important meeting:

Art of Managing—Avoid Strategy Malpractice with a Proper Diagnosis

If you’ve ever dealt with a complex medical issue, you understand how difficult it sometimes is to identify the real problem. Yet, pinpointing this problem is essential to developing the best possible treatment regimen. It can be a matter of life or death. The same holds true in business, where it's essential to put time and efforts into developing an effective diagnosis of your firm's situation:

By |2017-07-05T09:44:43-05:00December 8th, 2015|Art of Managing, Strategy|0 Comments

6 Reasons Why We Should Apply Game Design Approaches to Designing Workplaces

Imagine a world of work where your colleagues worked tirelessly to complete the hard work that keeps everything moving. They voluntarily stay late and even deprive themselves of sleep to ensure the work is done. Along the way, they collaborate at a moment’s notice to fend off enemies and slay the dragons that arise from unexpected locations, and they’re always working on their own skills development. Sound like fiction to you? Rather than fictional, perhaps it’s virtual—as in gaming. Yes, video gaming.

By |2016-10-22T17:11:05-05:00November 18th, 2015|Art of Managing, Management Innovation|5 Comments

Art of Managing—Bad Boss? Are You Sure it’s Not You?

Just about everyone I’ve encountered recently—or so it seems—has an ax or two to grind with their boss. Have you ever stopped to consider whether it's you and not your manager? Just in case it hasn't occurred to you, perhaps a bit of mirror gazing is in order. If you see yourself on this list of, "The Boss's Top Ten Challenging People," it might be time for you to make some adjustments. Of course, first, you have to see yourself.

By |2016-10-22T17:11:06-05:00October 26th, 2015|Art of Managing|2 Comments

Art of Managing—5 Big Lessons Learned from My Hiring Mistakes

Over an extended career, you will make more than one hiring mistake. I guarantee it. No hiring manager escapes unscathed in this process. While a misfire is inevitable, this painful mistake (for you, your firm and the hire) is packed with some powerful life and career lessons. Here are 5 big lessons I've learned the hard way:

By |2016-10-22T17:11:08-05:00July 29th, 2015|Art of Managing, Career, Leadership|1 Comment
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