Excitement for the Next Generation of Leaders and Management at the Movies

I had the great pleasure of serving as a guest lecturer on Leadership yesterday to a class of college seniors (business majors), and I was struck by the remarkably mature perspective and intuitive feel that they have for the subject. After my opening comments on how you can't possibly learn to be a leader from a book or a class, we launched into a series of discussions and exercises that Wowed me with the clear thinking and great ideas about effective leadership and great leaders, as well as the opposite. I'm definitely growing more excited about the potential of this generation of early career professionals!

Leader-What’s Your Charter?

Somewhere during my second decade out of college (Hey, I'm slow but I figure it out eventually!), I recall having the epiphany that most people in leadership roles acted like they had no conception of what their job as a leader was. In fact, it dawned me after a few moments in thought that it probably wasn't an act—they truly did not understand their job. The evidence to support this conclusion was all around me.

Will Software Improve Our Talent Management Performance?

t's fairly well established in my mind through our firm's research and from working for large and small firms as an employee and as a consultant, that most organizations and most leaders stink at talent development. I've cited a number of studies and surveys in my various posts that report findings that are in violent agreement with this conclusion. However, now that there is software to help us manage talent, are our problems over?

Are You a Strategy-Fueled Leader? (Part Two)

he Strategy-Fueled Leader is someone you want to work for and someone that you want to become. Working for one of these individuals is like existing in an alternate professional universe. If you are fortunate enough to connect with this type of leader early in your career, you are in for a remarkable education that will shape you for the rest of your professional (and even personal) life. Catch one later in life, and expect to find yourself reborn professionally, with a renewed sense of focus and purpose. If you are not fortunate enough to find one as a mentor, its up to you to make a difference in your organization by developing the habits, approaches and thinking of this powerful leader.

Cost Is Really Not An Issue When It Comes To Leadership Development

Following a recent presentation to individuals in the Not-For-Profit arena on "Creating A Culture of Leadership Development in Your Organization," I was approached by some enthusiastic attendees who loved the content, but expressed frustration over the seeming unwillingness of their top leaders to focus on this issue. During the discussion, I heard the following comments: "Leadership development is viewed as expensive." "When we point out the need for and potential benefits from strengthening our leadership practices, the typical response is that leadership development is not central to our mission." "We are so busy chasing small issues, we don't have time to focus on people topics." I appreciated the openness of the individuals and was left wondering what it might take to help top leaders everywhere recognize once and for all that LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE EXPENSIVE!

Leader-Are You Willing to Admit and Showcase a Mistake?

The question of the moment is how do you deal with your own mistakes? Are you a leader that works hard to distance yourself from your mistakes or those of your team members, or do you embrace mistakes as learning experiences and place them in full view? How you deal with mistakes says a lot about your character as a leader.

Leader-It’s Time to Act on That Poor Performer

ne of the most common mistakes of leaders of all experience levels is failing to act in a timely manner on poor performers. This is certainly consistent with our firm's findings in interviews and surveys over the past two years, where the winner for number one self-described weakness was delivering constructive feedback. (Choose your label: constructive feedback=the tough performance discussion, robust dialog or candid conversation.) Apparently, many of us are wired with a naive sense of optimism and a willingness to continue throwing good time and money after bad in the never-ending hope that the poor performer will see the light, make adjustments and turn things around. And it does happen. Rarely. In fact, so infrequently, that in my opinion, the leader is better served operating with the parable of the scorpion and the frog in mind. In case you don't recall, the scorpion convinces the frog that he has changed and should the frog kindly agree to transporting the scorpion across the pond, the scorpion promises not to sting him. Needless to say, they don't make it across the pond. With their last gasps, the frog asks why and the scorpion responds with, "It's my nature."

Leadership Decision-Making: Learn to Be Like Mike

Timely decision-making on the part of a leader is an essential ingredient for success. A leader's decision-making speed sets the pace for a team and influences the working environment in a number of positive ways. Rapid decision-making enables action and encourages team members to experiment in pursuit of innovation. It has been my experience that this style of leader tends to actually make fewer direct decisions and instead encourages and enables team members to make the call themselves. The added benefit of this style is the development of trust between all parties and the creation and strengthening of a sense of empowerment for the manager's team members.

A Friday Walk on The Lighter Side: Growth is Not a Four Letter Word

I had a horrible consultant’s dream the other night, where I found myself shouted down in a planning session when I had the temerity to suggest that the “g” word was suspiciously absent from the prioritized corporate action-list. “Growth is an outcome!” one person shouted. “We need to fix the plumbing and growth will come our way!” shouted another. “Growth is not our issue,” hollered a third person who I had observed arriving just after the financial review showcased what can only be described as reverse growth. “Death to the growth zealot,” shouted a fourth baring his teeth.” I remember looking at the door and mentally calculating whether I would win the footrace to the exit should that be necessary. Fortunately, my alarm clock went off and I breathed easier until I remembered that I was facilitating a discussion about growth in two hours. I immediately broke out in a sweat. Fortunately for me, the group was much less “Lord of the Flies-like” than the team in my dream. I did however maintain an unobstructed view to the door at all times.

Leader: The Company Might Be Virtual, But the People Are Real

One of the wonderful benefits of modern technology is the ability of organizations to scale without investing in bricks and mortar. It is commonplace in a number of industries for people to work together for years and never set eyes on each other. It’s also common for the leaders in these virtual organizations to lose track of the fact that there are real people behind the e-mail and text messages. Over time, they reduce to faceless names behind occasional e-mails or text messages. Clearly, people choose a virtual professional lifestyle because they like the freedom and flexibility that it provides. However, when a virtual organization is faced with the need (or desire) to shift gears into a new growth mode or to change its strategy, it is essential that the leaders of this firm rethink their communication and engagement with their remote knowledge workers. For many technical leaders used to not communicating frequently with these invisible associates, this can mean a significant change in behavior.

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