Leadership Caffeine™-Respectfully Speaking, Your Respect for Others Will Serve You Well

The formula is simple and the outcome is predictable. Treat people with respect and they will generally return the courtesy many times over. The word “respect” just might work as the lone word in the world’s shortest chapter in the world’s shortest and most effective book on leadership. Master the term, practice it liberally and you’ve uncovered one of the simple secrets to leading effectively.

The September 5th Leadership Development Carnival at Great Leadership

Just in time for a long holiday weekend, Dan McCarthy is hosting the always exciting and often inspiring Leadership Development Carnival at his home blogging base at Great Leadership. Aside from the way over the top kind words that he has for me and this blog (Thanks, Dan!), he's put together a collection of phenomenal essays from some really great writers and authorities in the world of leadership and business.

Looking for A Framework to Rebuild Your Business? Think Baldrige

My own personal observation is that the Baldrige National Quality Program is one of the most misunderstood, unknown and poorly marketed great programs for organizations seeking a framework for business performance improvement. You owe it to yourself and your organization to become familiar with the program and the many great low and no-cost tools available to help you improve your business.

Leadership Caffeine™: Take Your Best Practices Viral with Leadership Development Blocking and Tackling

When it comes to leadership development, sweeping corporate mandates and expensive training initiatives are rarely as effective as consistent blocking and tackling. Here are some action-focused ideas to help catalyze a leadership development revolution in your firm.

Back to School: Teachers are Our Early Leaders-Have You Thanked The Ones that Made a Difference?

With school starting back up in most parts of the country during the next few weeks, now would be a good time to reach out to that teacher from 20 or 30 years ago and let them know that they made a difference. Catch them before they move off into retirement. I believe my former favorite teach just recently retired, and now I’m stuck trying to look him up, when I had almost 30 years to drop him a note at school. Talk about procrastination!

Want a Great Primer in Leadership? Work for a Bastard and Take Notes

While I wouldn’t counsel you to seek out and work for a b@st@rd as part of your formal mentoring experience, given the ratio of these characters to good leaders in the workplace, chances are you’ll trip across one or more in your career. When you do, take in the experience as a powerful education in how not to lead.

Leadership Caffeine™: Respect and the Leader-Would Your Team Save Your Leadership Hide?

Imagine a corporate world where those being led had a strong vote on whether their leaders lived to lead or were shown the door. This happened recently at the newly combined Fiat-Chrysler, and the question that was asked of low and mid level staffers was: “What do you think of your boss?”

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