Leadership Caffeine™-The Artful and Effective Workplace Apology

The apology is an often over-looked and widely misunderstood tool for keeping smoldering bridges from burning out of control and for repairing relationships that were dented somewhere in the chaos of daily battle. It’s also a tool easily misused by people uncomfortable in their roles and seeking to buy compliance by apologizing their way forward.

Leadership Caffeine™: Time to Take out the 360-Degree Trash

Note: today's rave is brought to you by one too many conversations with frustrated managers and employees over their firm's evaluation systems. While I’m certain there’s a good 360-degree feedback program out there somewhere, the trash frequently heaped upon unwitting corporate victims by misguided management groups via their HR departments is….well, it’s trash. Please place it in a proper container and dispose of it before it starts to stink.

Leadership Caffeine™: Learn to Make Quick Connections

In a typical day fast moving day, there are dozens of small opportunities for leaders to make or strengthen connections with team members and peers. Effective leaders strive to leverage these fleeting moments or as golden opportunities to show respect, strengthen connections and even support coalition building. The trick is to execute a deliberate “connection” strategy throughout your day.

Leadership Caffeine™: 9 Ideas for Strengthening Your Self-Esteem

While typically not a topic discussed over coffee, many leaders struggle with issues of low self-esteem. They question their abilities to cope with the problems at hand, they often doubt they are worthy of the position of leadership they occupy, and they most definitely agonize quietly over much of their professional existence. Others manifest their low self-esteem with over-the-top aggressiveness and strong controlling behaviors. Here are 9 suggestions for helping rebuild your leader's self-esteem.

Leadership Caffeine™: When Good Isn’t Good Enough

For most of us, the answer to the question, “Are you pushing yourself hard enough?” is “No.” If we’re honest with ourselves, there are parts of our lives, including our careers, our relationships and our own personal development, where we are leaving progress, achievement and satisfaction on the table.

Leadership Caffeine™: Prepare Your Attitude Daily to Lead Effectively

If as Woody Allen indicated, “80-percent of success is just showing up,” the gross majority of the rest of success must be attributable to adopting the right attitude. I’ll leave a little wiggle room in there for the propensity to act and our good friend, luck. Here are six ideas to help you prepare your positive attitude daily.

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