Art’s Leadership & Management Writing for the Week Ending 1/16/16

For this week, I served up articles on avoiding a leadership meltdown, succeeding with your first presentation to executives, conducting difficult conversations, achieving your leadership goals this year and wrapping your brain around the concepts and vocabulary of strategy. Enjoy the articles and use them in great leadership, management and career health!

Leadership Caffeine™—5 Signs You’re Heading for a Meltdown

Most senior leaders lack any form of an honest, effective and timely feedback loop, and when they succumb to the pressures of the role and begin to flail, things can go bad in a hurry. You should be on the lookout for these five warning signs suggesting that it's time to hit the pause button before you suffer a leadership meltdown.

Leadership Caffeine™—Fight to Eliminate Obstacles

Too many firms act as their own worst enemies by sustaining rules and processes that no longer apply and that block the freedom and flexibility of employees and teams to experiment and innovate. Effective leaders and managers work daily to change or eliminate these blockers. Here's a dose of encouragement and some ideas for you to spark a healthy revolution of change in support of your team:

The Inner Game of Leading and Your New Year’s Resolutions

In a world characterized by change, uncertainty and overload, the context for effective leadership is dramatically different today than a few mere decades ago. Leaders must adapt and importantly, today's leaders must provide that extra layer of support needed by team members to allow them to work at their best amidst the noise. Annual resolutions aren't enough. Here are 4 ideas to help you refresh and reset on your leadership role every day:

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