It’s Not Science Fiction—How an Idea Lab Might Just Create an Alternate Timeline for Your Firm

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best. Ideas are the engines of innovation, yet too often they are visible for just a flash of time. In reality, we need ways to curate and develop ideas. Try building an idea lab. All you need to get started is a few spare walls, some low-cost materials and some starter ideas! Just be careful, as you may very well change your firm's future in the process.

Career Reinvention May Save Your Health and Life

We all intuitively know a toxic workplace is bad for our health. Jeffrey Pfeffer's latest book, Dying for a Paycheck, offers some data to back this claim. And while some may benefit from job change, others are motivated to reinvent their careers as part of saving their health and lives. This articles shares some of the insights gained in working with multiple career reinventors.

It’s Manager and Leader—Developing the Whole Professional

There's no doubt leadership development is important. However, top leaders in successful organizations understand they owe much of their success to great managers who make their firms go and grow. They also understand the connectivity between leader and manager and they focus on developing the whole professional.

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