Introduction to The Manager’s Journey

Joseph W. Campbell's description of The Hero's Journey has 17 distinct stages, starting with The Call to Adventure, navigating The Road of Trials, and ending with the Freedom to Live. Of course, the action occurs between those stages, with untold challenges, exhilarating highs, and soul-crushing lows. Campbell might have been writing the story of The Manager's Journey.

Feeling Invisible at Work? It’s Time for Action

If you've been passed over for promotion opportunities or you find yourself relegated to less-than-strategic initiatives in your organization, that creeping sense of irrelevance you are feeling might be real. As the late Andy Grove offered, "Only the paranoid survive." Let's channel this paranoia into some focused actions to regain your relevance. 

Thank You to Wally Bock and Three Star Leadership

My good friend and mentor-from-a-distance, Wally Bock, announced yesterday that he will no longer be adding content to his fabulous and long-running Three Star Leadership Blog. Wally is shifting gears to focus on his book writing/coaching practice. In this article, I share my thanks and great regard for someone who has inspired me for years.

FIve Big Ideas to Help Get New Manager Development Right

Managers are the individuals we need to create engagement, deliver quality results, and serve as critical enablers of change and adaptation in our world. And if Gallup. is even half right with their measures of disengagement and their pointing to managers as the cause, we're failing at manager development. Here are five big ideas to help.

Reaching for the Executive Ranks? Part Two—Cultivating Executive Presence

I'm fascinated by the topic of executive presence and particularly by the feedback many receive that sounds like, "You need to work on strengthening your executive presence." This feedback typically leaves people stressed and needing clarification. In this article, I strive to demystify executive presence and offer some tips and resources for strengthening yours.

Reaching for the executive ranks? Cultivate these five skillsets—part one, developing as a strategist

While today's career world for many is about something other than "The Climb," my coaching ranks and workshop programs are filled with individuals striving to scale their impact and, for many, gain a seat at the executive table. If you are motivated to grow your responsibilities and engage at a senior management level, you must cultivate your knowledge and skills in five critical areas. In part one of this series, I focus on developing as a strategist.

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