Nine rules turnaround leaders can live by that don’t involve ‘fixing the culture’

Leaders charged with righting foundering organizations often claim “the culture is broken.” However, just as you cannot fix people, experience tells me that focusing on fixing a culture is a fool’s errand. Instead, focus on these nine issues:

Reaching for the Executive Ranks, Part Three—Developing as an Integrative Thinker

The essence of your role as a senior manager is problem-solving through decision-making. Cultivating your critical thinking skills is right up there with the need to lead effectively at scale, project the presence essential to building credibility, and galvanizing support In this article, I share a case study and some resources for strengthening as an integrative thinker.

By |2024-09-09T10:20:06-05:00September 9th, 2024|Developing as a Senior Manager|0 Comments
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