About Art Petty

Art Petty is a coach, speaker and workshop presenter focusing on helping professionals and organizations learn to survive and thrive in an era of change. When he is not speaking, Art serves senior executives, business owners and high potential professionals as a coach and strategy advisor. Additionally, Art’s books are widely used in leadership development programs. To learn more or discuss a challenge, contact Art.

For Better Decision-Making, Unpack and Stress Test Assumptions

There are many reasons our seemingly failure-proof plans go horribly wrong. One critical step you can take to move the odds of success in the right direction is to borrow a step from Red Teaming and learn to unpack and stress test key assumptions. This article shares some ideas to help you get started with this critical step for strengthening decision-making and planning activities.

Leadership Caffeine™—Improving the Fitness of Your Cross-Functional Teams

Cross-functional teams are a fact of life in our organizations. As a team or initiative leader, you are competing with a host of other priorities and initiatives for the hearts and minds of your team members. Your group's performance depends upon you taking steps early in the team formation to ensure a healthy, effective working environment. Here are five ideas to help you jump-start your cross-functional team's health:

Curious About How to Attack Your Career Reinvention? Free Webinar

Join me for a free webinar where I share lessons learned and ideas for you as you pursue your own journey of career reinvention. I lived this journey myself and now I work with later career professionals interested in pivoting to something different and more important and personally rewarding in their lives.

Quit Fooling Yourself—You Have Groups Not Teams

In most workplaces, we operate with loosely coordinated groups and not teams in the true sense. These groups lack purpose, coaching, structure, support, and leadership, and as a result, sub-optimize. Fortunately, the ingredients and recipe for effective team development are not locked away somewhere in a vault. Mostly, they are basic blocking and tackling.

How to Survive A Career Panic Attack at Mid-Life

There are a number of reasons individuals become insecure over their careers and futures in our world of uncertainty and change. In some cases, the insecurity manifests in a full blown career panic attack. While complicated, there are steps all of us can take to get up off the couch and start moving beyond the career panic attack.

4 Key Starter Ingredients for Successful Strategy Execution

Even a sound strategy process that effectively characterizes the situation and way forward still faces considerable risk in the form of strategy execution. Ultimately, the ideas are relatively easy. It's the work of bringing strategy to life that is difficult. Here are 4 key ingredients you require for successful strategy execution.

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