About Art Petty

Art Petty is a coach, speaker and workshop presenter focusing on helping professionals and organizations learn to survive and thrive in an era of change. When he is not speaking, Art serves senior executives, business owners and high potential professionals as a coach and strategy advisor. Additionally, Art’s books are widely used in leadership development programs. To learn more or discuss a challenge, contact Art.

Leadership Caffeine™—”This Is the Way It Should Be”

Teaming and collaboration experiences happen in all walks of our professional and personal lives. Some experiences working with others are draining, others passable, and just a few are energizing and even fun and successful. You can hope these fun, productive experiences emerge by chance. Or you can be deliberate about creating the conditions that improve the possibility of a great collaboration experience. I opt for improving our odds of bringing one of these productive, fun experiences to life. Here are four ideas to help:

Challenging Conversation Sound Bite #1—Design Your Challenging Conversations for Success

During my coaching calls with leaders at all levels, much of our time is invested in how to engage and structure the conversations to uncover value for all parties. Here are some tips to help you pre-think and design your discussions to achieve successful outcomes for all parties.

Fall 2022 Leader and Manager Professional Development Programs

It's Back-to-Professional Development Time and I'm sharing my current Fall, 2022 calendar. If strengthening your skills as a leader or your success as a manager is on your priority list (or is a priority for your team members), please consider one of our uniquely powerful programs that blend training and coaching.

How Effective Leaders Help Their Teams Turn Ideas Into Actions

Ideas are oxygen for problem-solving. Yet, all the ideas in the world won't help you solve the challenges in front of you if you don't have solid ideas-to-actions flow. As leaders, we need to complete the process and make sure there's a robust Ideas-to-Actions machine operating on our teams and in our organizations. Here are approaches to help strengthen the flow of ideas into actions in your workplace:

Leadership Caffeine—Mine (and Mind) Your Mistakes for Growth

Our mistakes in pursuit of learning are the burpees, extra gym time, and leg days of our mental fitness for most of us. For those where mistakes are measured in cost or time (not life impact or safety), your mistakes measure how hard you are pushing yourself to grow. Here are ideas to turn your misfires into gold.

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